Hook during close of Anki


is there any hook which will be initiated every time when user profile will be unloaded or Anki is being closed?

There seems to be:
Hook(name="profile_will_close", legacy_hook="unloadProfile")
but it is written:

Called before one-way syncs and colpkg imports/exports.

Source: anki/qt/tools/genhooks_gui.py at main · ankitects/anki · GitHub

but it is not triggers during the regular close of application.

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You’re reading the docs for the wrong hook.

I know ;). I just wrote info about this hook so that someone wouldn’t give me it
without even reading it.

Are you sure?


I have not tried it, maybe if you use gui_hooks.state_did_change and if new_state == "profileManager" it might work?

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Tested again and worked - thanks :slight_smile:

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