I’ve attempted to write a card template for incremental Cloze revealing that also supports incremental Cloze revealing within MathJax equations. I tried to circumvent Anki’s inbuilt Cloze by only using {{Field}} (without cloze:: prefix). This returns only the raw content of the field without Anki’s pre-template translation. Then I tried to implement my own cloze parser.
This is the code I have:
<!-- Front Side -->
<div class="card">
<div class="front" id="front">{{Content}}</div>
<div class="back" id="back"></div>
// Function to parse cloze deletions
function parseCloze(text) {
var clozeRegex = /{{c(\d+) ::.+?}}/g;
return text.replace(clozeRegex, function(match, index) {
return '<span class="cloze" data-index="' + index + '">[...]</span>';
// Function to reveal cloze deletions incrementally
function revealCloze() {
var clozes = document.querySelectorAll('.cloze');
clozes.forEach(function(cloze) {
var index = cloze.getAttribute('data-index');
cloze.innerHTML = '{{c' + index + '::' + cloze.innerHTML.substring(5, cloze.innerHTML.length - 6) + '}}';
// Initialize
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var front = document.getElementById('front');
var back = document.getElementById('back');
// Parse cloze deletions in the front content
front.innerHTML = parseCloze(front.innerHTML);
// Click event to reveal cloze deletions
front.addEventListener('click', function() {
back.innerHTML = front.innerHTML;
front.style.display = 'none';
back.style.display = 'block';
But its returning:
Front template has a problem:
Found ‘{{c(\d+) ::.+?}}’, but there is no field called ‘.+?’
Please could I grab some help from someone with better JavaScript skills, as I’m completely out of my depth. There doesn’t seem to be any other incremental cloze reveal addon/script that supports MathJax!