Getting number of scheduled new cards

I want to add a new line to show the sum of due and new cards across all decks; I can get the number of due cards with len(mw.col.find_cards("is:due")) but how can I find the number of scheduled new cards as shown in the New column? mw.col.find_cards("is:new") gives all new cards, not just scheduled, i.e sum of the boxed numbers:


example snippet:

from aqt import mw
from aqt.qt import *

from aqt.gui_hooks import deck_browser_will_render_content

def add_(overview, content):
    ids = len(mw.col.find_cards("is:due"))
    content.stats = f"""\n<div> Due: <font color="#00d100"> {ids} </font> </div>\n<br>""" + content.stats


Try mw.col.sched.deck_due_tree(), which is what Anki uses to populate the deck list counts:

def new_count():
    top = mw.col.sched.deck_due_tree()
    count = 0
    for child in top.children:
        count += child.new_count

    return count


code snippet if anyone’s interested

from aqt import mw
# from aqt.qt import *

from aqt.gui_hooks import deck_browser_will_render_content, profile_did_open

def clr_str(s,c):
	return f"""<font color="#{c}"> {str(s)} </font>"""

def new_count():
	top = mw.col.sched.deck_due_tree()
	count = 0
	for child in top.children:
		count += child.new_count
	return count

def add_info(overview, content):
	n_due = len(mw.col.find_cards("is:due"))
	n_new = new_count()
	due_str = clr_str(n_due,"00d100")
	new_str = clr_str(n_new,"4bc2ff")
	n_tot = n_due + n_new
	content.stats = f"\n<div> Σ {due_str} due + {new_str} new = {n_tot} </div>\n<br>" + content.stats

def add_deckbrowser_hook():


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Another option is to nest all of your decks under a single parent deck, which will give you separate due and new totals for all the decks.