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In this issue, Anki-xiehanzi - #47 , I have edited card template and told user to update card template by copy/paste but due to clipboard size limit, it is convenient to use sync from Anki to AnkiWeb then to AnkiDroid.
But I get errors that methods and variable are not defined, to fix I have updated the card template with this fix for ankidroid .
The card template is working without any changes on Anki and AnkiMobile.
So, what could be possible solution without editing card templates?
AnkiDroid Version = 2.18alpha2-debug (1e483b35bb6ee7393f3af16e041cbc1d0d30bf50)
Backend Version = 0.1.34-anki23.12.1 (23.12.1 1a1d4d5419c6b57ef3baf99c9d2d9cf85d36ae0a)
Android Version = 11 (SDK 30)
ProductFlavor = amazon
Manufacturer = samsung
Model = SM-M307F
Hardware = exynos9611
Webview User Agent = Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; SM-M307F Build/RP1A.200720.012; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/121.0.6167.178 Mobile Safari/537.36
ACRA UUID = f98e8a39-c23c-473a-9075-85774eb5894e
Crash Reports Enabled = false
March 9, 2024, 11:57am
Fixed in 2.18alpha5 & 2.17.5
opened 01:37AM - 05 Mar 24 UTC
closed 06:07PM - 05 Mar 24 UTC
Help Wanted
[](… .zip)
### Checked for duplicates?
- [X] This issue is not a duplicate
### What are the steps to reproduce this bug?
Using the addon "Enhanced Cloze 2.1 v2", make a cloze card with images.
### Expected behaviour
Clozes should appear.
Name: {{c1::john doe}}
Pic: <img src='face.jpg'>
Name: [...]
Pic: (face.jpg)
### Actual behaviour
Clozes don't appear at all.
Name: {{c1::john doe}}
Pic: <img src='face.jpg'>
Pic: (face.jpg)
### Debug info
AnkiDroid Version = 2.17.0 (af526585a5270c75db3f6b892d00035ad1ab17e0)
Backend Version = 0.1.34-anki23.12.1 (23.12.1 1a1d4d5419c6b57ef3baf99c9d2d9cf85d36ae0a)
Android Version = 12 (SDK 31)
ProductFlavor = play
Manufacturer = samsung
Model = SM-G973N
Hardware = exynos9820
Webview User Agent = Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; SM-G973N Build/SP1A.210812.016; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/121.0.6167.143 Mobile Safari/537.36
ACRA UUID = ae33fd73-ad8b-40ef-9d37-cad4c3375e5b
Crash Reports Enabled = true
### (Optional) Anything else you want to share?
_No response_
### Research
- [X] I am reporting a bug specific to AnkiDroid (Android app)
- [X] I have checked the [manual]( and the [FAQ]( and could not find a solution to my issue
- [ ] (Optional) I have confirmed the issue is not resolved in the latest alpha release ([instructions](
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April 8, 2024, 11:58am
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