I’m back from Chinese new year vacation and implement two new features for FSRS4Anki Helper. Now you can use it to postpone or advance cards based on your target retention:
When is the best time to use these two options? Does running Postpone and Advanced accomplish the same thing as rescheduling?
Postpone and Advance only work on those cards scheduled by FSRS or rescheduled by Helper.
You can use Postpone if you have a huge backlog of review. It will lower your pressure.
And Advance could help you increase the retention to target before an exam.
FSRS is getting more and more robust! Thank you for your continued work on it!
@dae Is there any way for the custom scheduler to communicate with the add-on automatically, in order to get the values of each deck? This way, it would not be necessary to manually configure the FSRS values.
Great job @L.M.Sherlock
It requires to integrate the deep learning module into Anki, which is too complex and effortful to develop.