Field custom color in nightmode only is different on mobile vs desktop

I edited my cloze “extra” field to be a custom color. It is the same color on non-nightmode desktop, non-nightmode mobile, and nightmode desktop but is a different color on nightmode mobile. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Example: first line is the card text, below is the extra field text. Leftmost image is desktop, other two are mobile. Was too lazy to take a screenshot of non-nightmode desktop but it looks the same as non-nightmode mobile.


.cloze {
 font-weight: bold;
 color: #73A2FB;

.extrafield { 
 font-size: 90%;
 color: #76D7C4;
 font-style: italic;

.nightmode .extrafield{
 font-size: 90%;
 color: #76D7C4;
 font-style: italic;


.nightMode .extrafield {
 font-size: 90%;
 color: #76D7C4;
 font-style: italic;

Sadly, over time several different variants of night mode classes (night_mode, nightMode, night-mode and also nightmode as it seems) have been applied to the body and root of the reviewer, and some of them are not used on all clients. Anki should apply nightMode to the <body> on all platforms though.


That did the trick, thanks so much!

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