Fatal error generating a pyo3_runtime.PanicException in Anki 2.1.55

When learning my Greek vocabulary set, entering a certain (wrong) solution, πιάνω τσακώνομαι, reproducibly crashes Anki with the following error message:

A fatal error occurred, and Anki must close.
Please report this message on the forums.
Anki 2.1.55 (01caec2a) Python 3.9.15 Qt 6.4.0 PyQt 6.4.0
Platform: Linux-6.1.6-arch1-1-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
Flags: frz=True ao=False sv=2
Add-ons, last update check: 2023-01-15 12:00:18
Caught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “aqt.webview”, line 562, in handler
File “aqt.reviewer”, line 655, in _onTypedAnswer
File “aqt.reviewer”, line 410, in _showAnswer
File “aqt.reviewer”, line 340, in _mungeQA
File “aqt.reviewer”, line 558, in typeAnsFilter
File “aqt.reviewer”, line 613, in typeAnsAnswerFilter
File “anki.collection”, line 1217, in compare_answer
File “anki._backend_generated”, line 1279, in compare_answer
File “anki._backend”, line 142, in _run_command
pyo3_runtime.PanicException: byte index 24 is not a char boundary; it is inside ‘α’ (bytes 23…25) of αρπάζω άρπαξα

A fix for this is coming in the next update, thanks to @Rumo.


Super and thank you, very glad to hear!

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