Error: Network Service Crashes; Cannot Restart

Today qt5-webengine is upgraded from v5.15.2-5 to v5.15.3-2 on Arch Linux. Afterwards Anki fails to display any content in the window. Terminal output shows this recurring error, and Anki cannot restart the network service:

[*:*:*/*.*] Network service crashed, restarting service.

Debug info:

    Anki 2.1.35 (84dcaa86) Python 3.9.2 Qt 5.15.2 PyQt 5.15.3
    Platform: Linux
    Flags: frz=False ao=False sv=1
    Add-ons, last update check: 2021-03-07 10:43:41
    ===Add-ons (active)===
    (add-on provided name [Add-on folder, installed at, version, is config changed])
    ===IDs of active AnkiWeb add-ons===
    ===Add-ons (inactive)===
    (add-on provided name [Add-on folder, installed at, version, is config changed])

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