Download Anki for linux 32bits (Xubuntu)

If anyone can help me… Its easy to find 64 bits Linux version, but not the same for the 32 !
Thanks in advance?

Release 2.1.35 · ankitects/anki · GitHub

This is the last Anki version that supports 32 bit Windows machines, and macOS 10.12 and older. If you use either of those, please pick the -alternate version.

Alternate builds have been discontinued. If you are using a 32 bit system, or
a macOS version older than 10.13, Anki 2.1.35 is the last release you will be able
to update to.


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Thanks “NameLessGo”

My question was about LINUX anyway I suppose the problem is the same.
Anyway. Thanks for your answer

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