Even with Auto-Close HTML tags
unchecked, anki will automatically add HTML wherever it damn pleases even if I copy and paste the HTML in to force it to keep it raw.
I used advanced card templates where I like to be in control of everything. by that I mean one of the fields is a javascript array with html code within single ’ quotes. So everything needs to be very particular and I don’t want anki modifying it automatically.
One particular example:
when i copy and paste the following into a field entry that is in HTML editor mode:
[4, '<p>hello world<p>'],
...etc similar entried
Now I made an error with the closing tag, but anki instead of allowing me to notice and correct it on my own will automatically modify it to
[4, '<p>hello world<p>'],</p></p>
which completely messes everything up so that even if I correct there are html tags in all sorts of places (assuming harder to detect mistakes unlike above which was simple for illustration). I just don’t want anki’s help here. How can I disable this?