Decks missing from AnkiWeb

I mainly use Anki on my phone and regularly sync to AnkiWeb. I recently got a new phone and cleared all data from my old phone to give to my sister.

I downloaded Anki on my new phone and assumed that after synchronising all my decks would reappear, however they didn’t and I just got a default deck with zero cards.

Even more worryingly, when I signed into AnkiWeb there were also no decks, just the default. This is crushing as I have used Anki for a many years and have lost some mega custom decks.

Is there any way to get them back? I assume the Anki backups were deleted when I cleared my old phone

It appears you account just expired: AnkiWeb account removal - Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve restored your collection from a backup - when you next sync, please choose Download. Any sounds and images you had will be missing. It appears you previously synced with a computer, so if you still have access to your computer, you may be able to recover your data from there.

Amazing! Thank you :blush:

I have a new Android phone.

The old one died last summer and since then I have not used Anki-Droids.

Went back to it this weekend and all my decks are gone. My account is empty. - a lot of work lost.

Can you help



I’m afraid you don’t appear to have been syncing your data to AnkiWeb, so there is no data on AnkiWeb which can be recovered.

Dman it. :frowning:

Well. Thanks for coming back to me on this.

Last year I was using Anki regularly and synced my decks between the desktop app and AnkiWeb. On a new PC, I tried to sign in and sync but the decks are missing from AnkiWeb.

I gather from this thread that a mod can check the account and check if there is a backup somewhere, would this be possible?

I’m afraid your data can not be recovered.

Thank you for checking.

Hi @dae, I noticed my data was deleted and I wanted to ask if you could please check for a restore point. I did not receive a deletion email but believe it is because I had not confirmed my email address.

Thank you

Sorry, it is not possible to recover your account.

Hello Dae, I hope this topic is still open :slight_smile:

I was inactive on ankiweb for over an year, I was using ankiweb on the mobile and I don’t have anymore my old pc with the application… Now I see on ankiweb all my (many) decks disappeared, is there a way to get them back?

Please, I put a lot of effort in creating them :frowning:

I’m afraid it’s not possible to recover the data. For future readers: there is only a chance of recovery if the account data has only just expired.

Hi Dae! I hope you’re doing well. Have you tried to recover my data? if you need login and password feel free to message me, I think my account didn’t expire a long time ago, cos I was using it a lot the previous year to learn new things to find a job.

All these decks would really help me right now.

Please let me know, have a good day.

Yes, I did try. I’m afraid as I said above, it is not possible to recover your data.

Hello dae and thanks for all your great work for the communtity. Is there any chance you could check out if my decks still exist? Just so I understand. The backups on the desktop version only concern the decks which were on the desktop versiors right?

Sorry, they do not. For other onlookers: there is only a very narrow window around deletion where recovery might be possible, so if it’s more than a few days past the 30 day deadline of the email, there is no chance of recovery (and it may not be possible even if it’s only been a few days).