Correctness of the Card Repositioning Functionality

It might be an intended feature, but I think it’s a bug.

My case.
I have a note with 15 card types. These types were not created all at once; they were added empirically, and their order in the list was also changed over time.
Additionally, I’m using a word frequency coefficient, and this field is set as the sorting field. But since this field is unique for the entire note, all 15 cards have the same coefficient.
In the deck settings, all Burying options are also activated.

So, I want to study words (notes) in frequency factor, whereby I want the cards for each note to appear in the sequence that corresponds to the order of the card types. To do this, I do the following: I switch the browser to card view mode, set the sort by frequency factor, and then run “Reposition”.

But as a result, when I perform repositioning, the cards are not sorted according to the list order of card types but rather by the order in which these card types were created. Moreover, if I check the list of cards for a single note in the browser, they all have the same Due date, whereas ideally, the cards should follow the sequence of note card types, with each card having a unique Due date.

As I see it, this is an error, as the resulting cards should be arranged according to the card type list (from 1 to 14), and the Due value should be from New 27 to New 39.

It’s true that is what you see in your screenshot of the Browse table, when you sort by the Due column [and I’ll take your word for it that creation date (or more likely card ID) is what’s causing the secondary sort to be unusual]. But the real question is – What order are the cards are actually being introduced when you study?

The order they are introduced should be controlled by your New card gather and sort order (for the deck you click to study), and it doesn’t care how you have the cards sorted in Browse. Unless you have chosen some randomness in those deck options, the cards should default to being in card-type-number-order for each note.

All cards of the same note having the same New-queue number is the correct behavior. There are ways to force different queue numbers onto sibling cards, but they are labor intensive, and I don’t think you’d enjoy doing that for a 15-card note.

I think the only reason you want that is to create what is already the expected behavior that I talked about above – so this will turn out to be a non-issue. But if you have a different reason why you need this, I can explain how to do it manually.

Unfortunately, the cards are displayed in exactly the same order as they are displayed in the browser.

Here are the settings for this deck.

Of course, I don’t want to manually change the order of cards in each entry.

A Custom Sort feature, like in Excel, would help me to first sort by frequency factor, and then by the order of card types. But such functionality doesn’t exist.

Correct me if I’m mistaken, but that screenshot shows that 1, 7, 8 have been introduced, while 14, 15 have not been introduced. That doesn’t tell you much, but it’s not a sign of a problem.

You’d have to check the Card Info for cards 1, 7, 8 to find out when each of them was actually introduced – Statistics - Anki Manual . It should be at the top as “First Review” and at the bottom of the review log below.

The only issue I see there is that these cards aren’t all in the same deck. In the screenshot above, it looks like 1, 7, 15 are in one deck, and 8, 14 are in a subdeck. See the link I posted above. With a gather order of Deck, you’d get them in the wrong order. But I think Ascending will give you what you want.

Here is a summary table with the data.

Card 1

Card 7

Card 8

Card 14

Regarding the subdeck for cards 14 and 15 - these are my “workarounds” to separate the cards by meaning.
Due to the limitations that arose with the order of display, I decided that cards 1, 7, 8, which are responsible for direct and reverse translation of the verb infinitive, will be in one deck, while the cards that deal with the past tense will be in a subdeck.
Thus, I will first study 3 cards for the infinitive of all the verbs being learned (across the entire deck), and then I will move on to the subdeck with past forms, which currently has 0 new cards and 0 reviews set.
But even so, in the main subdeck, cards 1, 7, 8 are not displayed in the order of the card type list.

But your own screenshots are showing that they were!

  • Card 1 was introduced on 30 April at 7:41.
  • Card 7 was introduced on 30 April at 9:08
    • The same day [so probably you didn’t have sibling burying turned on yet], but later.
  • Card 8 was introduced on 5 May at 8:28
    • The reviews recorded before that were “Manual,” which could be for several different reasons, but it wasn’t from regular study in your main deck.
  • [Card 14 has a First Review date for administrative purposes, but it actually is still New.]

That is in order, so I’m not sure why you’re saying it isn’t.

It sounds like you’ve got a plan so whatever you want to do is fine. Just a couple things to note –

  • Based on your screenshot, you didn’t put 15 in the subdeck, you put 8 in the subdeck. But perhaps this is a decision you made later and that’s how you want it now.
  • Because it’s a subdeck, and you’re using “Deck” as your gather order – you don’t need to have it set to 0 New/Review cards. Anki won’t start offering you New cards from the subdeck until it has exhausted (or nearly exhausted, given burying) the New cards in the parent deck. But you do probably want to keep studying cards you’ve already introduced like 8, even though it is in the subdeck.

Thank you for the explanation. Yes, it seems that everything looks exactly as you described.

I’m sorry, I made a mistake and confused the names of card types.

In fact, I would have moved away from the workaround with this subdeck and put all the cards in the Deck, but several questions arise:

  1. How can I reset the progress so that ANKI starts showing me cards in the order of card type sorting, as if I started learning from the current moment? Because I had a break of a couple of months in the summer, and naturally, the fact that at that time I stopped at card 8 then is no longer relevant, and I would like to start again from card 1. Or, so to speak, to lock in the progress of card 8 and start with card 1.
    I tried resetting the cards with all three setting options
    , but it seems I didn’t achieve the desired result. After all, this is why the question of repositioning arose.
  2. In fact, I would like the Burying period to be customizable. For example, for siblings with direct and reverse translation of the verb infinitive (cards 1 and 7), a delay of 1 day is good, but I would like to move on to learning the past form of the verb (cards 8 and 14) when the first cards are already mature (>=21 days). I understand that at the moment it’s impossible to implement this?
    To separate the past tense form into a separate entry, I think, is the wrong approach, since it is still the same verb, only in a different form, which means it is just a different type of card.

That will Reset cards to New status and reverse any progress you’ve made with them. It’s one option for bringing a collection back to life after a break, but it’s not the best option for most people.

Even if you will have more lapses than usual, it’s not likely you’ve forgotten everything. So, rather than throwing away all of your progress, it’s better to just gradually work through the cards (see Due times after a break - Anki FAQs ).

If you want to focus on the Card 1s first, you could move them to a subdeck and study just the cards that are due for Review each day until you’re comfortable adding more into the mix. Or you could use a Filtered deck to pull the other Review cards out of your way, so you can concentrate on your Card 1s in your main deck. You’ve got lots of options.

You’re right that it’s not possible to do that. Burying is intended to keep sibling cards on separate days, but not to peg the start of one sibling based on the state of another.

The simplest way to do that yourself is to not start introducing New cards from the past deck until later. I think that pegging them on another card being mature is complicated for a number of reasons. And any card can have a lapse now and then without it needing to become an issue that prevents introducing other cards. But injecting a simple delay would be easy.

Since the cards will be coming in the same order from both decks, just leave the past deck at 0 New cards for a while (a month?) and then start introducing those cards at the same pace as in your infinitive deck. [You might want to slow the rate a bit, so you’re not doubling your number of New cards!]

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