Context Bar to show Cloze note context dynamically

I used Github Copilot to generate this using the below prompt where I pasted the previous code along with some instructions on what to do. You could use this as an example on how to get code from ChatGPT in the future.


Assuming a html structure like below:

<div class="container">
  <div class="sidebar">
    <ul id="sidebar-list">
      <!-- Sidebar will be populated by running populateSideBar() -->
  <div class="content-container">
      <!-- Arbitrary content that contains h1, h2, h3 etc. headers at places -->

And populateSideBar being run once the html is loaded like this:

  // Populate the sidebar with <li> elements
  function populateSidebar() {
    const sidebarList = document.getElementById("sidebar-list");
    const headers = document.querySelectorAll("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6");
    // Duplicate the header structure in the sidebar as a nested <ul> list
    let currentList = sidebarList;
    let previousLevel = 1;
    headers.forEach((header) => {
      const level = parseInt(header.tagName[1]);
      const listItem = document.createElement("li");
      const link = document.createElement("a");
      link.textContent = header.textContent;
      // If the header doesn't have an id, assign it the text content
      if (! { = header.textContent;
      link.href = "#" +;
      if (level > previousLevel) {
        const newList = document.createElement("ul");
        currentList = newList;
      } else if (level < previousLevel) {
        for (let i = 0; i < previousLevel - level; i++) {
          currentList = currentList.parentElement.parentElement;
      previousLevel = level;


Write a function highlightHeaderInView used in window.addEventListener("scroll", highlightHeaderInView) that will

  • identify the header element that is closest to the viewport top (the current “active” header)
  • add the css class active-header to the <li> corresponding to that header
  • remove the active-header class from any other <li> element
    Include comments in the code explaining each step so that a javascript beginner could understand how it works.

JS to update sidebar on scrolling

The event listener part at the end was edited by me though. I figured it’d be hard to explain the weirdness of the desktop Anki JS environment that requires this addition to avoid buggy behaviour.

// Function to highlight the header in view on the sidebar
function highlightHeaderInView() {
// Select all header elements in the content container
const headers = document.querySelectorAll("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6");
// Select all links in the sidebar list
const sidebarLinks = document.querySelectorAll("#sidebar-list a");

// Initialize variables to keep track of the closest header and its distance from the top
let closestHeader = null;
let closestHeaderDistance = Infinity;

// Loop through each header to find the one closest to the top of the viewport
headers.forEach(header => {
  // Calculate the distance from the top of the viewport to the header
  const distance = header.getBoundingClientRect().top;
  // If this distance is the smallest positive value so far, update closestHeader and closestHeaderDistance
  if (distance < closestHeaderDistance && distance >= 0) {
    closestHeader = header;
    closestHeaderDistance = distance;

// If a closest header is found, proceed to highlight the corresponding sidebar link
if (closestHeader) {
  // Loop through each link in the sidebar
  sidebarLinks.forEach(link => {
    // Get the parent <li> element of the link
    const listItem = link.parentElement;
    // Check if the link's href matches the id of the closest header
    if (link.getAttribute("href") === "#" + {
      // If it matches, add the 'active-header' class to highlight it
    } else {
      // If it doesn't match, remove the 'active-header' class

// Attach the scroll event listener, prevent adding it multiple times on desktop
var addEventListenerAdded;
if (!addEventListenerAdded) {
  window.addEventListener("scroll", highlightHeaderInView);
  addEventListenerAdded = true;

Additional css to the style the active-header

/* Styling for the active header */
.sidebar-list .active-header {
  font-weight: bold;


I didn’t test this code, so please try use inspect to debug it (you should be seeing class="active-header" getting added to a <li>. To debug the code itself, you can add console.log(...) calls for variables to see what’s up. For example, you could do

 const headers = document.querySelectorAll("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6");

To check whether it’s correctly getting the headers in the card.

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