Concerns About AnkiHub Integration in the New Anki 24.10

In AnkiForums there was already a discussion about this in this thread.

In my opinion a summary of the key conclusions looks like these:

  1. The official Anki is not intended to promote a third party (Ankihub and Anking), this feature is for the convenience of medical student users.
  2. The author of AnkiCollab is favorable to Ankihub and he has little objection to this feature: AnkiCollab author’s opinion
  3. Other alternatives are not realistic solutions, it would be beneficial to both parties if other AnkiCollab-like platforms were developed based on the functionality developed by AnkiHub.

In short almost everyone agrees that Ankihub should not be promoted on Anki for desktop (probably including Ankihub), but official Anki or volunteers cannot afford the resources to develop a feature like this Ankihub integration, so it would be beneficial for both developers and users if Ankihub develops advanced features first and then volunteers develop them for free on that basis.

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