Change Image-Occlusion-Box colour in Closet Add-On

I use the Closet Add-On for my Image Occlusion Cards so I can use the feature which let’s me incrementally reveal the boxes on the card.
Now I’d really like to change the colour of the Image-Occlusion-Boxes - does anybody know how? I’ve tried to implement a few things in HTML or CSS using ChatGPT, but I don’t know coding so I’m just stepping in the dark at this point.
Would love some help!

You can overwrite the color values defined in the extension source code (search for the repository hgiesel/closet on github to find it).
In your case, the color values are defined in the file /workspaces/closet/style/_rect.scss, containing the following CSS:

@use "utils";

@mixin rect {
  .closet-rect__rect {
    fill: moccasin;
    stroke: olive;

    .is-active & {
      fill: salmon;
      stroke: yellow;
    } & {
      fill: transparent;
      stroke: transparent;

  .closet-rect__ellipsis {
    fill: transparent;
    stroke: transparent;

  .closet-rect__label {
    stroke: black;
    stroke-width: 0.5;

To overwrite these values, you can add the selector .closet-rect__rect to your own CSS and define some alternative colors like this:

  .closet-rect__rect {
    fill: blue;
    stroke: red;

    .is-active & {
      fill: transparent;
      stroke: black;
    } & {
      fill: transparent;
      stroke: yellow;

It’s easier to modify web/closet.css in the installed add-on’s folder, as that doesn’t require rebuilding the add-on.

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Yes, that’s what I meant with the second part of my answer.
Just wanted to clarify how I got there.

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