Cannot sync Anki (os error -2146893041)

Whenever I try to sync Anki, I am getting the message "A network error occurred.

Error details: ⁨error sending request for url (): connection error: The message or signature supplied for verification has been altered (os error -2146893041)⁩"

What I have tried:

  • rebuilding database
  • starting Anki with shift down
  • using a back up
  • disabling firewall and antivirus
  • deleting and reinstalling Anki

(I am not using any kind of proxy)

I don’t know what else to do?

This began after a lot of my media disappeared from all devices. I went and found the respective premade decks and tried adding them again. As soon as I did this, the aforementioned error comes up whenever I try to sync Anki.

This sounds like a problem in your network:

Maybe there’s something strange going on with your computer. I presume this is Windows? Please ensure all Windows updates have been applied, and try rebooting your machine.

Did you resolve your problem?

Yes. It seemed to resolve itself. I’m not quite sure how or why it happened.

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