Cannot start Anki on Windows 10

cannot start Anki on Windows 10, even with the stable version.

Below is the log with cmd

C:\Program Files\Anki>anki-console
[14696] PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x
[14696] LOADER: executable is C:\Program Files\Anki\anki-console.exe
[14696] LOADER: homepath is C:\Program Files\Anki
[14696] LOADER: archivename is C:\Program Files\Anki\anki-console.exe
[14696] LOADER: C:\Program Files\Anki\anki-console.exe contains a digital signature
[14696] LOADER: No need to extract files to run; setting extractionpath to homepath
[14696] LOADER: SetDllDirectory(C:\Program Files\Anki)
[14696] LOADER: Already in the child - running user’s code.
[14696] LOADER: Python library: C:\Program Files\Anki\python38.dll
[14696] LOADER: Loaded functions from Python library.
[14696] LOADER: Manipulating environment (sys.path, sys.prefix)
[14696] LOADER: sys.prefix is C:\Program Files\Anki
[14696] LOADER: Pre-init sys.path is C:\Program Files\Anki\;C:\Program Files\Anki
[14696] LOADER: Setting runtime options
[14696] LOADER: Initializing python
[14696] LOADER: Overriding Python’s sys.path
[14696] LOADER: Post-init sys.path is C:\Program Files\Anki\;C:\Program Files\Anki
[14696] LOADER: Setting sys.argv
[14696] LOADER: setting sys._MEIPASS
[14696] LOADER: importing modules from CArchive
[14696] LOADER: extracted struct
[14696] LOADER: callfunction returned…
[14696] LOADER: extracted pyimod01_os_path
[14696] LOADER: callfunction returned…
[14696] LOADER: extracted pyimod02_archive
[14696] LOADER: callfunction returned…
[14696] LOADER: extracted pyimod03_importers
[14696] LOADER: callfunction returned…
[14696] LOADER: Installing PYZ archive with Python modules.
[14696] LOADER: PYZ archive: PYZ-00.pyz
[14696] LOADER: Running
[14696] LOADER: Running
[14696] LOADER: Running
[14696] LOADER: Running
[14696] LOADER: Running
[14696] LOADER: Running
[14696] LOADER: Running
[14696] LOADER: Running

There have been reports of other software running on the machine that could cause this, so if you have any utilities running in the background, it may be worth temporarily disabling them to see if it helps, or starting Anki after starting Windows in safe mode.

I’ve restarted Anki in Safe Mode then restarted the PC (normal mode) and Anki started working again. Although it seems to act up from time to time so I just do the same thing whenever Anki can’t start or stops responding:

  1. Restart PC in Safe Mode (with Networking)
  2. Open Anki and make sure it works in Safe Mode
  3. Restart PC normally
  4. Open Anki

Not sure if this will help the team in troubleshooting but I did encounter this error when I restarted the PC in Safe Mode (without Networking)

Thank you for the advice :smiley:

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I’m afraid I’m not sure what the root cause might be, but I still suspect it may be some other software running on your machine.