Cannot export all cards irrespective of filter

Is there a way to export all the cards from a deck(with subdecks inside it) and without filter(I need all the cards to be exported even when 1 or 2 cards doest have a back)

RN I can export only 456 out of 690 cards in my deck

First, a bit of terminology – In most cases, what you’re exporting are notes not cards – Getting Started - Anki Manual .

So, are your 690 cards actually made from 456 notes? If you’re looking at them in the Browse window, you can switch table modes to get an accurate count – Browsing - Anki Manual . You might be getting everything you need already.


ohh tqsm iam new to Anki so that explains why i cant

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It’s not that you can’t export them – it’s that you have actually exported them already. If you exported an APKG of those notes, it includes their note type – which is everything Anki needs to turn them back into cards.

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