Can I use Anki TTS to play fields in random order?

I have a note type with 6 fields: a question and 5 different answers. I used some javascript to show the question and the answer fields in random order on the front of the card, while showing the correct answer out of those 5 on the back.

I was wondering if I could use Anki built in TTS to play the question and the answer fields in random order. I know I can use TTS to play multiple fields like this:

[anki:tts lang=it_IT] {{Question}} {{Answer 1}} {{Answer 2}} ... [/anki:tts]

But since the correct answer is always in the “Answer 1” field, I can’t just play them in that order, since i would know the right answer. Is there a way to play the fields in a random order?

Sorry, it’s not possible - tts is processed before JS runs.

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