Bug Report: Editing Image Occlusion will always reset mode to "hide all, guess one"

When editing an image occlusion card on Anki 24.11 for iOS the mode is always reset to “Hide All, Guess One” even if it was “Hide One, Guess One” before.

Happens on other clients too. The expected behaviour is, if I open the note in editor and save it immediately after, this shouldn’t change anything.

I don’t remember ever seeing this behavior on desktop.

I cannot reproduce it on desktop (debian linux, oldstable), either.

Maybe sorata uses another desktop OS though.

Nope, I tested on Android. The code is from upstream though so probably a bug there but only affects the mobile clients.

I moved this to the AnkiMobile category – but if it’s happening on AnkiDroid too, and hasn’t been reported, perhaps @David and the AnkiDroid team would like to take a look.

I’ve logged this on Bug Report: Editing Image Occlusion will always reset mode to “hide all, guess one” · Issue #3703 · ankitects/anki · GitHub

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