BUG: aqt.toolbar setFixedHeight None

I will leave the logs below:

Anki 23.12.1 (1a1d4d54)  (ao)
Python 3.9.15 Qt 6.6.1 PyQt 6.6.1
Platform: Windows-10-10.0.22631

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "aqt.toolbar", line 216, in <lambda>
TypeError: setFixedHeight(self, h: int): argument 1 has unexpected type 'NoneType'

===Add-ons (active)===
(add-on provided name [Add-on folder, installed at, version, is config changed])
Image Occlusion Enhanced ['1374772155', 2022-04-09T09:15, 'None', '']
Review Heatmap ['1771074083', 2022-06-30T03:43, 'None', '']

===IDs of active AnkiWeb add-ons===
1374772155 1771074083

===Add-ons (inactive)===
(add-on provided name [Add-on folder, installed at, version, is config changed])

Is it reproducible?

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