Browse window sidebar error when scrolling

To reproduce the error below:

  1. open the Browse window;
  2. error sometimes appears, sometimes not;
  3. put the mouse pointer over the sidebar;
  4. scroll up & down;
  5. error always appears
  6. no matter how the error is triggered, the Browse window works normally when the error message is closed.

Used Tools > Check database. No database problem reported. Does not fix the error.

Is this perhaps not a problem with the core of Anki, but with Qt instead?


Anki 2.1.54 (b6a7760c) Python 3.10.6 Qt 5.15.3 PyQt 5.15.6
Platform: Linux
Flags: frz=False ao=False sv=2
Add-ons, last update check: 2023-04-25 17:43:53

Caught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/snap/anki-ppd/8/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aqt/”, line 419, in msgHandler
print(f"Qt {category}: {msg} {context}")
OSError: [Errno 5] Input/output error

Please update to the latest version from the website and see if the issue persists. Versions from e.g. package managers are often outdated.


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