AnkiDroid attempts to syncs with AnkiWeb when Custom Sync Server's URL is cofigured

In AnkiDroid 2.18.4, the Custom Sync Server (Settings -> Sync -> Custom Sync Server) 'Sync url' is set as [](  and the toggle button next to the URL is enabled, so that AnkiDroid will sync with the configured self-hosted custom sync server.  After clicking the AnkiDroid app's sync icon (which has a red exclamation mark as the AnkiWeb credentials have not been entered), a popup is displayed for 'Log in to AnkiWeb' instead of the app syncing with self-hosted custom sync server. I have had the same response using AnkiDroid 2.19beta2.Any thoughts?


If you enter the username and password set for SYNC_USER1 in your custom sync server into the Email address and Password fields of the login dialog, it should be possible to sync with the custom sync server.

I assume that the reason a dedicated login dialog hasn’t been implemented is because there are probably very few users who actually use a custom sync server, so it’s likely a low priority. Anki desktop versions also reuse the login dialog intended for AnkiWeb.

Related thread:


@hkr Thanks for your informative reply

The use of AnkiWeb dialog, with ‘AnkiWeb account’ title (misleading in my opinion), confused me into thinking that AnkiWeb credentials needed to be entered for the ‘Email Address’ and ‘Passwod’ fields.

Simply entering the Anki SelfHosted Sync server’s SYNC-USER1 and SYNC1_PW, into those fields, fixed the problem and I was able to sync AnkiDroid decks with Anki SelfHosted sync server.


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