Anki styling issues

Anyone get this error message when opening “cards” option to change the styling of a card?

An error occurred. Please use Tools > Check Database to see if that fixes the problem.
If problems persist, please report the problem on our support site. Please copy and paste the information below into your report.
Anki 2.1.25 (898801eb) Python 3.8.1 Qt 5.9.7 PyQt 5.13.2
Platform: Mac 10.12.6
Flags: frz=True ao=False sv=1
Add-ons, last update check: 2021-02-21 08:28:29

Caught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “aqt/”, line 464, in handler
File “aqt/”, line 475, in
File “aqt/”, line 356, in _onCardLayout
File “aqt/”, line 69, in init
File “aqt/”, line 90, in redraw
File “aqt/”, line 298, in onCardSelected
File “aqt/”, line 311, in readCard
AttributeError: ‘QTextEdit’ object has no attribute ‘setTabStopDistance’

To start with, could you upgrade to latest Anki 2.1.40?