Anki 23.12 Beta

I managed to complete all of the troubleshooting steps on 23.12 beta 3 (macOS 14.2 arm).
You can recreate the error by starting anki (shift being pressed makes no difference), and pressing the browse button from the top bar.

I tried compiling anki from GitHub and this behaviour gives the following log:

[64856:259:1219/] bootstrap_look_up org.chromium.Chromium.MachPortRendezvousServer.1: Permission denied (1100)

[64856:259:1219/] Mach rendezvous failed, terminating process (parent died?)

Hope this helps

That is a good idea. It probably needs to be a separate button and show all the details.

No, quite the opposite: it should be done completely behind the scenes. Anki already has a bajillion buttons and settings, and this is something that doesnā€™t need extra user control. It will only make users even more confused.
Remember, the average FSRS user doesnā€™t even realize that the number of due cards per day depends on the choice of desired retention (Iā€™m saying this based on r/Anki posts), let alone anything more intricate than that. The only way to make people use FSRS is to have as few settings as humanly possible, which is also why Iā€™m against the ā€œSM-2 retentionā€ thingy.


Thatā€™s the best thing about FSRS compared to schedulers without ā€œreschedule allā€.

@dae Iā€™ll compile my suggestions into one comment:

  1. Deck size, Days to simulate and Minutes study/day should be remembered on a per-preset basis. Itā€™s much more likely that the user will want to re-compute desired retention with the same values of these parameters than with the default values.
  2. If the user moves a card from deck A with preset A* to deck B with preset B*, DSR values must be recalculated automatically.
  3. to ensure that users cannot end up with worse performance after optimization, do the following: run the optimizer to obtain new parameters, run evaluation with the old parameters, run evaluation with the new parameters and choose whichever parameters result in lower RMSE. Btw, LMSherlock has endorsed this idea too.
  4. ā€œ-is:suspendedā€ should be the default. If a user has suspended a card, then that card is no longer representative of what kind of material the user is learning. And itā€™s also confusing if you suspended a card, yet itā€™s reviews still matter to the optimizer. A lot of users, myself included, think that suspended cards shouldnā€™t affect the optimizer.

EDIT: and after giving it some thought, I agree that ā€œReschedule cards on changeā€ not being saved is very counter-intuitive. I would suggest a community poll, but I doubt that anyone is going to vote for the current implementation.

EDIT 2: I noticed that in the Stats window, graphs related to DSR also include suspended cards. For example, I have 2 cards with retrievability between 20% and 25%, and they both are suspended. I donā€™t think suspended cards should be included in the stats OR in the optimization. If the user suspended them, that means he decided to exclude them from the learning process. And Anki should treat them accordingly.

EDIT 3: ā€œYou can optimize all presets at once by using the button at the top.ā€ I think itā€™s not very clear where that ā€œbutton at the topā€ is, this should be more clear.

  • Evaluation of parameters obtained using preset:"my preset" -is:suspended: Log loss: 0.3152, RMSE(bins): 5.87%
  • Evaluation of parameters obtained using the same preset, but without excluding suspended cards (preset:"my preset"): Log loss: 0.3140, RMSE(bins): 4.64%

I also typically choose not to include suspended cards, but today, after testing, I obtained these results and I am a bit confused.
Could it be that including suspended cards, in my particular case, leads to better optimization? Or is there more likely some sort of error in the Evaluation function (or in the way I am interpreting its results)?

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Could it be that including suspended cards, in my particular case, leads to better optimization?

Well, itā€™s not unthinkable.

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If the user triggers it manually, it should at least say if it improved or not and how much, so the user has an idea of whether it had to be done.

The mention of a separate button was a mistake caused by the complexity of how the filter field works and some cards fitting optimizations from other cards better than their own.

In a filtered back, pressing Enter in the Search field does not press the Rebuild button.

Is it necessary? I mean, most people donā€™t really understand the numbers that ā€œEvaluateā€ shows, and donā€™t want to get deep into math.

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They are discussing whether optimizing every two weeks instead of every month is acceptable. If they donā€™t understand that the numbers should become smaller, and the more the change, the better, itā€™s a problem with the documentation. For one, the numbers are described in the manual, but not in Anki itself.

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Letā€™s have a poll.
Should suspended cards be included in the optimization and in the stats?

  • No to both
  • Yes to both
  • Suspended cards should be included in the optimization, but not in the stats
  • Suspended cards should be included in the stats, but not in the optimization
0 voters

What about including them when you want to? Maybe ā€œ(is:suspended or -is:suspendedā€)? Or is it just about the default value?
What about the stats of card counts and reviews? Or do you mean the Evaluate stats?


A 23.12 release candidate is now available:

If no major issues are found, it is expected to become the next stable release in a few days.

I will come back to the FSRS-related comments later. For now:

We donā€™t currently support this, but Iā€™ll keep an eye on demand for it.

You can try manually renaming your prefs21.db file so see if that helps: Managing Files - Anki Manual

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Minor issue (this might be old), the scroll bar in the editor slightly overlaps the sticky/html buttons, would be nice with some more space.

macOS 11, Qt6



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I notices that FSRS is updated in Anki 23.12. Itā€™s better to mention that FSRS has been updated from FSRS v4 to FSRS-4.5. And I recommend updating to Fix/remove append_default_point to improve accuracy (#142) Ā· open-spaced-repetition/fsrs-rs@f45f46b ( because it improves the accuracy significantly in my recent benchmarking.

I submit the PR here:

Thank you - if this can integrate the latest changes without requiring last-minute updates to the UI, I am happy to integrate it.



This is a nice new feature!

However, personally, I would prefer if the default were set to either ā€œDiscardā€ or ā€œCancel.ā€

IMHO, if the user opts to click ā€œCancelā€ when closing the card layout window, it is relatively safe to assume they know what they are doing and actually donā€™t want to save any changes they made to the template. Defaulting to ā€œSaveā€ on the confirmation pop-up feels a bit counterintuitive and unwieldy.

Also, I suspect it might confuse people who are used to the previous behavior, leading them to, for example, press Esc ā†’ Enter out of muscle memory, ending up saving unwanted changes.

In this light, it seems like defaulting to ā€œCancelā€ could be the safest option, as it would force the user to stop and think about what they actually want to do.


I meant Difficultly, Stability, Retrievability stats.

Itā€™s fantastic to hear that my addon is back to functioning in the new RC1 version of Anki. Happy New Year!