Anki 24.04 beta/RC

Hi all,

A new beta is now available, mainly focused on fixes:

Please report any regressions or improvements you notice. This beta has not been uploaded to PyPI.


Windows 10 qt6. I cannot seem to run the beta. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling.

If I run it using anki-console.bat I get:

Anki starting...
Initial setup...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "aqt", line 48, in <module>
  File "anki.lang", line 12, in <module>
  File "anki._backend", line 50, in <module>
Exception: rsbridge and anki build hashes do not match:
4fc535ec vs bfaa28fe

Also experiencing this on Linux (Fedora 39).

Anki starting...
Initial setup...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "aqt", line 48, in <module>
  File "anki.lang", line 12, in <module>
  File "anki._backend", line 50, in <module>
Exception: rsbridge and anki build hashes do not match:
4fc535ec vs bfaa28fe

I also tested with the QT5 Build in addition to the QT6

It looks like the latest beta didn’t have rsbridge rebuilt on the latest commit potentially?

Dang, sorry about that. I’ve replaced the installer .exe files - please try again.

@Dae @L.M.Sherlock the current default parameters do not match the parameters from the benchmark repo. Please, update the default parameters.

Also, Dae, what about adding a pop-up window that regularly (say, once per month or once per three months) reminds the user to re-optimize parameters? I remember you mentioned that it was planned.

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The Linux tar builds were also impacted. Would you be willing to replace those as well?

The defaults parameters will change after I finish the new benchmarking with loose clamps.


Bug: when the number of reviews is between 1000 and 400, nothing happens when I try to optimize parameters. No error message, no changes, nothing.

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Hello dae. The optimiser weirdly doesn’t show the number of revlogs that have been used for optimisation. Is it possible that the optimiser is still broken and is taking revlogs of earlier dates before this date (in this case 01.02)?

And that I have to resort to this line?
preset:“Standard” -is:suspended -is:new

Not sure if it is a bug or a slight change in the calculations.
For exactly the same collection and exactly the same parameters, the beta shows RMSE = 1.19% and log loss = 0.2151 while 23.12.1 shows RMSE = 0.89% and log loss = 0.1990.

It shows them for me below the “ignore reviews before” line. If you can’t see them there, it probably means that you have so few revlogs that the optimization gets complete before Anki is able to show the numbers.

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Perhaps it would be better if the review log count used for optimization stayed on the screen for a bit longer since many of us do not have such a large revlog count for all decks to be optimized

Same here (Mint 21.3)

Same issue with me.

Off to a good start! Sorry for the hassle; I’ve uploaded new copies.

Logged on Remind the user to optimize FSRS parameters occasionally · Issue #3042 · ankitects/anki · GitHub

I believe @L.M.Sherlock changed it so that 400-1000 reviews will only change the initial stability.

Due to the way this is implemented, it’s not easy to show the text if the operation completes very quickly.

Yeah, but I don’t see any changes when I click “Optimize”. The first 4 parameters don’t change.
EDIT: here’s a recording: Anki Test - Album on Imgur. There is a small change: the color of numbers turns from gray to black, but the numbers themselves don’t change. The number of reviews is slightly above 400, maybe 420 or so.

Why did the change happen in the first place? :thinking:

Hello on 23.12.1 I would get

Sound and video on cards will not function until mpv or mplayer is installed.

after start up and the issue would resolve it self after a restart, however on 24.04 the issue persists after multiple restarts even with all addons disabled. I’m using the Linux qt6 variant if it makes a difference with mpv installed on my system.