Alguns baralhos nao aparecem no painel de revisão

recentemente sincronizei o aplicativo como faço diariamente e alguns baralhos sumiram, a princípio achei que tinham sido excluídos mas eles aparecem como opção para alterar os cards, porém não os encontro em lugar algum

sao todos esses baralhos com o nome “1.2024”

Do deck 1.2024 and its subdecks have any cards in them currently?

An empty deck would usually still appear in the list, but if it was made by renaming the “Default” deck, it (somewhat annoyingly) maintains that deck’s power to auto-hide when empty.

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before it desapears all the decks “1.2024” (on the image) had cards, and when i search them they appears so they are somewhere.
(sorry for bad english)

[No need to apologize! And if you would prefer someone who can help you in Portuguese, I’m sure someone who can will see this post soon.]

  1. Run a Check Database in Preferences. Any better?
  2. Do you sync your collection just to AnkiWeb, or are you syncing other devices as well?
  3. Can you find the Card Info for one of those cards in this set of decks?
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it worked!!! thank you so much you just saved my academic life

For the benefit of the next user – what worked? Check Database?

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