Hi, My post was blocked by the spam filter. I reviewd the post and didn’t find anything by any means contrary to the fourm policies. Kind’o weird. I have a couple of issues that I would like to post. Will give a try again. But maybe the filter needs some …
Please see
Sorry I have more important things to take care of. Hopefully I can post later without taking a discourse course.
FWIW, the course is pretty quick–I got through it in less than 30 minutes while doing a few other things. It just goes through how to post links, formatting, emoji, adding pictures, and so on. If you went over it in one hit, it shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes, and probably closer to 5.
Sorry… 30 min is not quick in my opinion. Also the two links suggested had a reading time of 14 min each. Firstly its a sad state we are in now that sites have decided to ‘filter’ out who they determine as ‘unqualified’ users. FYI, I’m a certified linux unix aix administrator with 30 years experience in technology and also use Anki for the 3 languages I speak. But ‘discourse’ is making me go back to redddit or elsewhere to talk about Anki. The whole discourse trust level thing comes across as techo patronage and unnecessary controlling. I appreciate that you want people to be civil and avoid spam. But this method is just going to filter out some of the people you want, and diminish the popularity of your community.
scrolling through 30 posts and 5 topics, and looking at some post for 10 minutes takes too long?
that’s all you have to do to become a basic user.
FYI, you’ve already read 30 minutes. just scroll through some topics/posts you’ll be able to post whatever you want.
also, doing the tutorial wouldn’t take 30 minutes, just takes less than 10 minutes. and you don’t have to do it.
about reading articles, there are headers so you could read exactly what you want -Trust level 0 in your case- and not go through all of it.
All you had to read (FYI takes less than 3 minutes to read)
Users at trust level 0 cannot …
- Send personal messages to other users
- “Reply as new topic” via Link button (UI removed)
- Flag posts
- Post more than 1 image
- Post any attachments
- Post more than 2 hyperlinks in a post
- Have actual links in the ‘about me’ field of their profile (will be silently and temporarily converted to plain text)
- Mention more than 2 users in a post
- Post more than 3 topics
- Post more than 10 replies
- Edit their own posts after more than 24 hours
Get to trust level 1 by…
- Entering at least 5 topics
- Reading at least 30 posts
- Spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts
Hi, I’ve contributed many posts to ask fedora and I believe others that also use discourse. I didn’t have to take a course on clicking links or correct behaviour. At this point I’m thinking I don’t care if it takes 3 min. Discourse told me it would take 30 min… And the previous post also said 30 min. Anyway, I signed up for an account, I replied to my own thread and discourse rejected that. 1) I don’t need to be rated by Discourse. 2) If you want to build a community you have to make it a) simple, b) non obtrusive, c) Let your community rate YOU instead of you rating your users.
Just to clarify, I said it took 30 minutes for the tutorial because I stopped several times to do other things–the bot actually prodded me at one stage because I hadn’t done anything for 15 minutes. Looking at the timestamps for accuracy, I started at 11:30 pm and finished at 12:16 am, meaning that the whole thing lasted 46 minutes, but that includes about 40 minutes in total of the bot waiting for me to respond. Like I said earlier, if I hadn’t flitted back and forth to other things, it would’ve only taken about 5 minutes.
You already spent more time writing/replaying on this thread/discussion explaining why you do not have time to read the tutorial/introduction text other than just actually spending the time reading the tutorial/introduction. So, either read the tutorial or stop complaining about why you do not have time to learn about this forum rules.
If reddit has no rules you need to learn, and you do not want to learn anything new, just use reddit and stop complaining about this forum. But if you actually want to help improve this forum, first take the time to learn its rules then later on, explain here to us (and on https://meta.discourse.org/) why this forum is bad and how you suggest it should be improved.
See also: Getting help - Frequently Asked Questions
With the exception of AnkiMobile, Anki and its support is provided free of charge, by people who generously volunteer their time. Please bear this in mind when posting - if you are rude and demanding, or have made no effort to solve the problem on your own, people are less likely to want to help you.
Just to clarify things here - there is no rule that states you must complete the Discourse tutorial before posting. From one of the links addons_zz posted above:
That said, if you create an account and immediately start posting, this can be mistaken by the system as spam. Flagged messages end up sitting in a moderation queue, and won’t appear until I have had a chance to approve them. There are no message waiting in the queue now, so I presume your message is already visible at this point?