Distro: Kali Rolling Release
Affected Anki Version: 2.1.53-qt5
The system was updated to the latest version of all packages, and the latest versions from the Anki website (as of today) were downloaded before testing.
When running Anki as the root user, --no-sandbox
needs to be provided at launch. This works on 2.1.49 and 2.1.53-qt6, but not on 2.1.53-qt5. When launched, the following error message is displayed:
root@workstation:~/Downloads/anki-2.1.53-linux-qt5# ./anki --no-sandbox
Anki starting...
Initial setup...
Preparing to run...
[1751:1751:0613/101703.560427:ERROR:zygote_host_impl_linux.cc(89)] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See https://crbug.com/638180.