2.1.45 Release Candidate

Thanks for pointing it out. I think it was unconsciously annoying me, too! Here’s the fix:


Downloaded the deck but cannot recreate. The Inspector implies that code is executed that would normally be executed in the editor (e.g. forEditorField).

Do you get the same console output without add-ons?

@Rumo : Thanks, much appreciated!

@hengiesel : Yes. This is the console output with all addons deactivated except for WebView Inspector (Anki-Version: ⁨2.1.45 - 60f6fccc⁩):


Edit: I guess the correct answer to your question would be “partially” then. Addons don’t affect the issue itself however (running Windows 10 x64 btw).

Okay, I think I see what’s going on. Thanks for the report.

1 Like

I still cannot recreate the freezing of the card. Maybe it is Windows/Linux-only?

Regarding your script, you should try something like this:

if (onShownHook) {
  const answer = document.getElementById("answer");

  if (answer) {
     onShownHook.push(function () {
       answer.scrollIntoView({block: "center"});

Thanks, yes, the problem itself is easy to fix. I’m just a bit surprised that it is this easy to get the reviewer to freeze.

On the deck options, “New Interval” has been moved from the “Lapses” section to the “Advanced” section.

Is there any reason behind that change? New interval affects lapsed cards, works together with the other settings in that section, and IMO, it makes more sense there. @DAE, would you consider moving “new interval” back to the “Lapses section”?

I have been able to reproduce the issue on Windows and Linux, and have just submitted a fix:


It’s marked as an advanced option because while it may seem like a good idea, it could do more harm than good: https://supermemo.guru/wiki/Post-lapse_stability

In the browser, if you select “Untagged” in the sidebar while “showing notes” is toggled, it causes Anki to force close. The following error is displayed:

A fatal error occurred, and Anki must close. Please report this message on the forums.
Anki 2.1.45 (60f6fccc) Python 3.8.6 Qt 5.14.2 PyQt 5.14.2
Platform: Windows 10
Flags: frz=True ao=True sv=?
Add-ons, last update check: 2021-07-21 09:31:24

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “aqt\browser\table\model.py”, line 73, in fetch_row_from_backend
File “anki\collection.py”, line 675, in browser_row_for_id
File “anki_backend\generated.py”, line 779, in browser_row_for_id
File "anki_backend_init
.py", line 126, in run_command
pyo3_runtime.PanicException: index out of bounds: the len is 0 but the index is 0
Caught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “aqt\progress.py”, line 54, in handler
File “aqt\utils.py”, line 990, in
File “aqt\browser\browser.py”, line 421, in onRowChanged
File “aqt\browser\table\table.py”, line 83, in get_current_card
File “aqt\browser\table\model.py”, line 177, in get_card
File “aqt\browser\table\state.py”, line 189, in get_card
File “aqt\browser\table\state.py”, line 192, in get_note
File “anki\collection.py”, line 321, in get_note
File “anki\notes.py”, line 46, in init
File “anki\notes.py”, line 52, in load
File “anki_backend\generated.py”, line 326, in get_note
File "anki_backend_init
.py", line 126, in _run_command
pyo3_runtime.PanicException: called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: PoisonError { … }

Thank you guys for all of your hard work.

1 Like

Does that mean you can reproduce the error reliably? It sounds like there is a specific note causing the problem, that happens to be untagged.
If you search for “untagged” in cards mode and shuffle through the card list one at a time (so that the editor remains visible), does that also cause problems?

Yes, I can reproduce the problem every time I perform the action I described. I also deleted the only untagged card I had (I no longer have any untagged cards), and I can still reproduce the problem reliably.

If I search for untagged cards by typing -tag:_* while “showing notes” is toggled, then the same error is reproduced. If I search for the untagged cards with any other term, then no error occurs.

In order to force the error, I have to physically click the “Untagged” tag in the sidebar or type -tag:_* into the search bar, while “showing notes” is toggled.

Any chance we can add the deck description to the congrats screen even when the deck is finished? I’ve had to access deck descriptions a few times for shared decks recently and ended up adding a card just so I could view the description

Thanks for the report. The next build should handle this better, but in the mean time you can fix it with Tools>Check Database.

As I think we covered previously, it’s shown on the congrats screen when ‘enable markdown’ is turned on in the description window.

1 Like

No problem and thank you. Performing a Check Database has resolved the issue.

I forgot about this, thanks for the reminder. I suppose there’s no way to auto enable this or have some warning button, etc? I fear other users will have the same experience as me and as someone managing a large deck, I’m not sure how to communicate to everyone they would need to make this change

2.1.45 RC1: Clicking indent or outdent does nothing. Doesn’t matter if I select text in a field or not or where I put the cursor. All addons deactivated.

By the way, in which version were these formatting options added? I didn’t find this in the changelog. I think it’s great to have these options out of the box. Edit: Found it, it was 2.1.45 Alpha 1 (search for “indent”)


@dae @AnKingMed

From a user’s perspective I think this effect is somewhat surprising. You wouldn’t suspect the formatting having an influence on when this screen is shown or not. I haven’t read up on the discussion about this, however. I searched this thread as well as the forum for “enable markdown” and “congrats screen” and only found your last three messages.

1 Like

Indent only applies to lists. You’re both right that the description editing screen should make the implications clearer.

1 Like

Is that generally the case? In MS Word and I think also in all other programs I used it works in both cases. The Mini Format Pack Addon inserts blockquotes outside of lists. I think this would be quite useful to implement, @hengiesel . Otherwise many people will probably miss this feature.

I am encountering the following error message when attempting to import a Kaeru card created from Jisho.org:

An error occurred. Please start Anki while holding down the shift key, which will temporarily disable the add-ons you have installed.
If the issue only occurs when add-ons are enabled, please use the Tools > Add-ons menu item to disable some add-ons and restart Anki, repeating until you discover the add-on that is causing the problem.
When you've discovered the add-on that is causing the problem, please report the issue on the add-on support site.
Debug info:
Anki 2.1.45 (60f6fccc) Python 3.8.6 Qt 5.14.2 PyQt 5.14.2
Platform: Windows 10
Flags: frz=True ao=True sv=2
Add-ons, last update check: 2021-07-23 16:03:36

Caught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "aqt\importing.py", line 197, in accept
  File "anki\models.py", line 549, in save
  File "anki\models.py", line 534, in update
  File "anki\_backend\generated.py", line 449, in add_or_update_notetype
  File "anki\_backend\__init__.py", line 131, in _run_command
anki.errors.TemplateError: Card template ⁨1⁩ in notetype '⁨Japanese [ichi.moe]⁩' has a problem.<br>See the preview for more information.

The card template is the following, front:

<div class=frontbg>
<!-- This line is Added by Cloze Furigana Tools to make its various features work. CFT.260.00 --><script>var rubys = document.getElementsByTagName('ruby'); var spans = document.getElementsByTagName('span'); for (var i=0; i < rubys.length; i++) { for (var s=0; s < spans.length; s++) { if ( spans[s].className === "cloze" && rubys[i].contains(spans[s])) { rubys[i].className = "cloze_container"; break; }}} </script>


ruby rt {
 visibility: hidden;
ruby:hover rt {
 visibility: visible;
.card {
 font-family: Noto Sans CJK JP;
 font-size: 50px;
 text-align: center;
 color: black;
 background: url("bg.jpg");
.android .card {
 font-family: Noto Sans CJK JP Regular;
 font-size: 30px;
 text-align: center;
 color: black;
 background: url("bg.jpg");
.frontbg {
 background-color: #18adab;
 border-radius: 7px;
 color: #000000;
 position: relative;
 left: 0;
.engdefbg {
 font-family: Raleway;
 font-style: italic;
 padding: 15px;
 margin-left: -5px;
 margin-top: -15px;
 color: #18adab;
 font-size: 15px;
.android .engdefbg {
 font-family: Raleway;
 font-style: italic;
 padding: 15px;
 margin-left: -15px;
 margin-top: -20px;
 color: #18adab;
 font-size: 10px;
.others {
 position: relative;
 top: 15px;
 border: 1px dotted #72c8e1;
 color: #18adab;
 font-size: 20px;
 width: auto;
 padding-top: 15px;
 padding-left: 20px;
 padding-bottom: 15px;
 padding-right: 20px;
 margin-bottom: 35px;
.android .others {
 position: relative;
 top: 10px;
 border: 1px dotted #72c8e1;
 color: #18adab;
 font-size: 17px;
 width: auto;
 padding-top: 8px;
 padding-left: 15px;
 padding-bottom: 8px;
 padding-right: 15px;
 margin-bottom: 20px;
.sentence {
 font-size: 25px;
 margin-top: -20px;
 margin-bottom: 5px;
.android .sentence {
 font-size: 17px;
 margin-top: -15px;
.backbg {
 position: relative;
 top: -3px;
 background-color: #fff;
 padding: 15px;
 padding-bottom: 15px;
 padding-left: 30px;
 padding-right: 30px;
 border-radius: 0px 0px 10px 10px;
 color: #016ea6;
 font-size: 28px;
 text-align: left;
.android .backbg {
 position: relative;
 top: -5px;
 background-color: #fff;
 padding: 15px;
 padding-bottom: 15px;
 padding-left: 15px;
 padding-right: 15px;
 border-radius: 0px 0px 10px 10px;
 color: #016ea6;
 font-size: 20px;
 text-align: left;
.hira {
 font-size: 25px;
 line-height: 5px;
 padding-bottom: 40px;
.android .hira {
 font-size: 18px;
 line-height: 5px;
 padding-bottom: 25px;
hr {
 height: 2px;
 font-size: 30px;
 border: 0;
 background: #72c8e1;
u {
 text-decoration: none;
 border-bottom: 1px dotted;
/* This line is Added by Cloze Furigana Tools to make its various features work. CFT.260.00*/.hidden {visibility: hidden; font-size: 0;} .hidden .cloze, .cloze .hidden {visibility: visible; background-color: white;font-size: 0.8rem;} @-moz-document url-prefix() {ruby {position: relative;display: inline-block;} ruby rt {position: absolute;display: block;font-size: 0.5em;left: -50%;bottom: 115%;width: 210%;padding: 0;text-align: center;line-height:1em}} .hidden .basemaru {position:relative;} .hidden .basemaru:after {content: "◯"; visibility: visible; position:absolute; left:0;} .hidden .cloze .basemaru:after, .cloze .hidden .basemaru:after {visibility: hidden;} div{line-height: 2em;} .cloze_container .hidden {visibility: visible; background-color: white;}

Content of the kaeru generated import file:

飛沫 "<!--<div class=""block_header"">Exact matches</div>--><div class=""concept_light clearfix"" style=""text-align: left;""><div class=""concept_light-wrapper  columns zero-padding""><div class=""concept_light-readings japanese japanese_gothic"" lang=""ja"" style=""font-family: HiraKakuPro-W3, &quot;Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3&quot;, &quot;Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro&quot;, &quot;ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3&quot;, メイリオ, Meiryo, 游ゴシック, YuGothic, &quot;MS Pゴシック&quot;, &quot;MS PGothic&quot;, &quot;MS ゴシック&quot;, &quot;MS Gothic&quot;, sans-serif;""><div class=""concept_light-representation""><span class=""furigana"" style=""display: block; font-size: 10px; margin-bottom: 2px;""><span class=""kanji-1-up kanji"">ひ</span><span class=""kanji-2-up kanji"">まつ</span></span><span class=""text"">飛沫</span></div></div><div class=""concept_light-status""><ul class=""f-dropdown"" id=""links_drop_5185a4a3d5dda72954051c48"" data-dropdown-content=""data-dropdown-content""><li style=""display: inline-block;""></li><li style=""display: inline-block;""></li><li style=""display: inline-block;""></li><li style=""display: inline-block;""></li><li style=""display: inline-block;""></li></ul></div></div><div class=""concept_light-meanings medium-9 columns""><div class=""meanings-wrapper"" style=""font-size: 12px; color: rgb(153, 153, 153);""><div class=""meaning-tags"" style=""margin-top: 6px;"">Noun</div><div class=""meaning-wrapper""><div class=""meaning-definition zero-padding""><span class=""meaning-definition-section_divider"">1. </span><span class=""meaning-meaning"" style=""font-size: 18px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"">splash; spray</span><span>​</span><span class=""supplemental_info"" style=""font-size: 14px; color: rgb(153, 153, 153); margin-left: 6px;""></span></div></div><div class=""meaning-tags"" style=""margin-top: 6px;"">Noun</div><div class=""meaning-wrapper""><div class=""meaning-definition zero-padding""><span class=""meaning-definition-section_divider"">2. </span><span class=""meaning-meaning"" style=""font-size: 18px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"">droplet</span><span>​</span><span class=""supplemental_info"" style=""font-size: 14px; color: rgb(153, 153, 153); margin-left: 6px;""><span class=""sense-tag tag-tag"">Medicine</span>, </span></div></div><div class=""meaning-tags"" style=""margin-top: 6px;"">Other forms</div><div class=""meaning-wrapper""><div class=""meaning-definition zero-padding""><span class=""meaning-meaning"" style=""font-size: 18px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);""><span class=""break-unit"">飛まつ 【ひまつ】</span></span></div></div></div></div></div><div class=""concept_light clearfix"" style=""text-align: left;""><div class=""concept_light-wrapper  columns zero-padding""><div class=""concept_light-readings japanese japanese_gothic"" lang=""ja"" style=""font-family: HiraKakuPro-W3, &quot;Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3&quot;, &quot;Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro&quot;, &quot;ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3&quot;, メイリオ, Meiryo, 游ゴシック, YuGothic, &quot;MS Pゴシック&quot;, &quot;MS PGothic&quot;, &quot;MS ゴシック&quot;, &quot;MS Gothic&quot;, sans-serif;""><div class=""concept_light-representation""><span class=""furigana"" style=""display: block; font-size: 10px; margin-bottom: 2px;""><span class=""kanji-2-up kanji"">しぶ</span><span></span><span></span></span><span class=""text"">繁吹<span>き</span></span></div></div><div class=""concept_light-status""><ul class=""f-dropdown"" id=""links_drop_51859cead5dda7295401b538"" data-dropdown-content=""data-dropdown-content""><li style=""display: inline-block;""></li><li style=""display: inline-block;""></li><li style=""display: inline-block;""></li><li style=""display: inline-block;""></li><li style=""display: inline-block;""></li><li style=""display: inline-block;""></li></ul></div></div><div class=""concept_light-meanings medium-9 columns""><div class=""meanings-wrapper"" style=""font-size: 12px; color: rgb(153, 153, 153);""><div class=""meaning-tags"" style=""margin-top: 6px;"">Noun</div><div class=""meaning-wrapper""><div class=""meaning-definition zero-padding""><span class=""meaning-definition-section_divider"">1. </span><span class=""meaning-meaning"" style=""font-size: 18px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"">splash; spray</span><span>​</span><span class=""supplemental_info"" style=""font-size: 14px; color: rgb(153, 153, 153); margin-left: 6px;""><span class=""sense-tag tag-tag"">Usually written using kana alone</span>,</span></div></div><div class=""meaning-tags"" style=""margin-top: 6px;"">Other forms</div><div class=""meaning-wrapper""><div class=""meaning-definition zero-padding""><span class=""meaning-meaning"" style=""font-size: 18px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);""><span class=""break-unit"">繁吹 【しぶき】</span>、<span class=""break-unit"">飛沫 【しぶき】</span></span></div></div></div></div></div>"

The current stable release allows to import this type of cards with this card template without issues.
The Kaeru extension hasn’t received updates lately.