When trying to create an image occlusion enhanced card, I always get the error message "The first field is empty."

Hello, when trying to create an image occlusion enhanced card, I always get the error message “The first field is empty.”

I have followed the instructions given previously on the forum.
-Open Anki using Shift to disable add-ons
-Deleted Image Occlusion Enhance add-on and reinstalled it
-Restarted computer

None of these worked.

I am using Anki Desktop version 2.1.55 (01caec2a)⁩.
Python 3.9.15 Qt 6.4.0 PyQt 6.4.0
Windows 10 Home v 10.0.19045 Build 19045
Image Occlusion Enhanced v 1.4.0

You are likely pressing the “Add” button in Anki’s regular add cards window, which can be a bit confusing. To add IO cards to your decks, simply use one of the buttons in the bottom right corner of the Image Occlusion window (e.g. “Hide All, Reveal One”).

If this is still unclear, make sure to check out one of the tutorials on YouTube e.g.:


Thank You - I was having the same issue also but you have resolved it.