[Add-on suggestion] It’d be useful if Anki had a formatting functionality to create tooltips
@gbrl.sc @01101 Here is a sample script that initiates tooltips created by the add-on:
function initTooltips() {
globalThis.tippyAvailable = true
if (globalThis.tippyAvailable) setTimeout(() => {createTooltips()}, 0)
function createTooltips() {
globalThis.tippyTypeset = false
tippy("[data-tippy-content]", {
placement: "bottom", // <- instead of top to prevent overflow
allowHTML: true,
theme: "sample",
interactive: true,
trigger: "mouseenter click",
animation: "scale-extreme",
appendTo: document.body,
onMount(instance) {
// MathJax support
if (!globalThis.tippyTypeset) MathJax.typesetPromise().then(() => {
globalThis.tippyTypeset = true
should be called when Popper + Tippy have finished loading. For reference, see the sample note type.
Tooltip format
This is the format the add-on creates:
<a data-tippy-content="tooltip text">element</a>
I have dropped the initial data-attribute data-tooltip
, because Tippy.js has a handy selection feature for elements with data-tippy-content
. It should be very easy to replace existing tooltips using Anki’s Find & Replace
If you already have a lot of notes in a different format, I can help you convert them.