Successive Field Filters: Type

I would like to have a card template which combines a custom field filter with the type functionality.

Suppose I have a filter, bracketed, which returns the bracketed portion of some text. Currently I have:
Field = Part of [this sentence] is bracketed.
{{Field}} = Part of [this sentence] is bracketed.
{{bracketed:Field}} = this sentence
{{type:Field}} = text box asking the user to type the sentence

I want to be able to write something {{type:bracketed:Field}} to ask the user to type ‘this sentence’, but this will ask the user to type the entire field not just the bracketed part. Is there a good way to accomplish my goal?

Thank you.

Sorry, the type: instruction does not currently support anything but cloze:.

Though this is not the ideal way, I think what you want to achieve (or something similar) can be done with the built-in “typing in the answer” feature and Javascript. Here is an example:

Front template:

<div id="sentence">{{Front}}</div>

    var bracketedRegex = /\[.*?\]/;
    var [pre, post] = `{{Front}}`.split(bracketedRegex);
    var sentence = document.querySelector('#sentence');
    var repl = '<span class="bracketed">[...]</span>';
    sentence.innerHTML = sentence.innerHTML.replace(bracketedRegex, repl);
    var typeans = document.querySelector('#typeans'); = 'none';
    var newInputBox = document.createElement('input');
    newInputBox.type = 'text';
    newInputBox.addEventListener('input', (event) => {
        const val =;
        typeans.value = `${pre}[${val}]${post}`;
    // See aqt_data/web/reviewer.js > _typeAnsPress()
    newInputBox.addEventListener('keypress', _typeAnsPress);

Back template:

<div id="sentence">{{Front}}</div>
<hr id=answer>

    var bracketedRegex = /\[(.*?)\]/;
    var [pre, _, post] = `{{Front}}`.split(bracketedRegex);
    var sentence = document.querySelector('#sentence');
    var repl = `<span class="bracketed">$1</span>`;
    sentence.innerHTML = sentence.innerHTML.replace(bracketedRegex, repl);
    var typeans = document.querySelector('#typeans');
    document.querySelectorAll('.typeGood, .typeMissed').forEach((ele) => {
        ele.innerHTML = ele.innerHTML.replace(`${pre}[`, '').replace(`]${post}`, '');


.bracketed {
    color: orange;


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