I added the {{Tags}} field to my card template so that it adds context to cards when they become too vague/lack context.
My problem is that when there are multiple tags they become kind of hard to tell apart and I would like to know if there’s any way I can add a semicolon or a comma between each tag so they’re easier to read.
I don’t think there is unless you are going to parse the individual tags out using JavaScript and string them back together. [I loosely believe it would be possible, but I have no idea how to do it.]
Since tag names can’t contain spaces, the spaces are the easiest way to tell them apart. Ideas –
Use a fixed-width font to display the tag names, so the spaces will be better defined.
Are there fonts with standard size letters where the spaces are even wider than that? I genuinely don’t know, but it seems worth a look.
Put the tag names in a box with strict boundaries (by CSS or an HTML table), so you can use word-wrapping to your advantage.
I originally wrote those ideas, but while I was pondering them, I discovered the CSS word-spacing property, which seems like it would be easy and a good fit for the issue!
Something like – <span style="word-spacing:15px;">{{Tags}}</span>
– adjust the pixels to what looks wide enough to you.