Open linked pdf, docx, epub, audio/video, etc. in external Program [Official thread]

Hello. What’s the command parameters to open video and audio files at positions in the middle please?

There’s no answer for your question.

My addon can only open files at a specific position, e.g. at 91 seconds and not “in the middle”.

the parameters you need depend on the external audio/video software you use. There are hundreds and many use different parameters. So I can’t tell. you need to read the documentation, use google, use llms etc.

I included defaults for the popular app vlc. To see these: in the config gui window there’s a box named “Add program/extension”. Then a dialog opens where you can enter the parameters for a new program. In this new window in the upper right click the button “Populate fields from a selection of preconfigured values”. Then select “Audio and Video files with vlc”. This preset for vlc may have to be adjusted: E.g. vlc from the windows app store shouldn’t work and in linux if you use snaps/flatpaks you’d probably have to adjust the path, too.

My addon is not simple to use but so far I haven’t seen simpler solution from other people.