To be specific I’ve always taken the Anki algorithm/SM-2 to be inefficient for my use case for SRS, i.e. it results in too many reviews and gives me an excessive workload. So I was surprised to see FSRS giving even short intervals in many cases, resulting in more reviews. The SM-18 algorithm by contrast generally results in much longer intervals and thus fewer reviews.
Is it really that simple to just look at the intervals given by the scheduler to determine if it results in more reviews or not? And hence less workload? I feel like that’s overly simplistic and I also had that assumption when I was first trying to compare the Anki SM-2 vs FSRS scheduler. However, when I thought about it more, I feel like it’s much more complicated than that.
For example, if you’re using the default Anki settings (250% ease factor, interval modifier is 100%, learning steps are 1min 10min, relearning step is 1 minute, and your new interval after a lapse is 0% (meaning it will set back the interval to 1 day when you fail the card and pass it)), and assuming you’re always pressing Good, then your intervals will be
since the formula is New interval = old interval * interval modifier * ease factor = old interval * 1 * 2.5 = old interval * 2.5
This kind of analysis completely ignores the user’s retention rate. What if the user’s retention rate is below 90%? Like 80%? Or even 70%? That means they’ll be pressing Again and hence doing more reviews in addition to their daily reviews.
I personally don’t know how to calculate this, and not really sure if this is correct, but let’s assume that we’re trying to target 90% retention rate and the user’s current retention rate is 80% using Anki SM-2. Then that means that we’re forgetting an additional 10% of cards from our targeted retention rate (90%). And let’s assume we have 400 cards to review each day. That means that 10% of 400 of these review cards will be forgotten (we press the Again button), which is an additional 40 cards that you forgot from that targeted 90% retention rate. And your relearning step is also set to 10 minutes, meaning that when you press Again to fail the card, it’ll show the card again in 10 minutes. If we assume 100% retention rate for relearning these cards, meaning you press Good on all of these 40 cards, then that means you have reviewed an additional 40 cards for that day from the targeted 90% retention rate.
It’s quite unrealistic to assume 100% retention rate for relearning lapsed cards. So let’s assume we have 90% retention rate for lapsed cards instead. Using similar logic above, for 400 cards to review, and we forget an additional 10% of cards from our targeted 90% retention rate, then we fail 40 of these cards. And when we relearn these cards, from our assumption, 90% of the lapsed cards that we relearned will move into the next day, which is 36 cards. But now, 10% of those 40 cards (4 cards), are forgotten and hence we need to assume that we press Again, and finally press Good again. This means that we did an additional 4 cards since we forgot 10% of the relearned cards. So in total, this is 44 additional cards that we needed to review from the targeted 90% retention rate. It can be even more complicated than that, but this is just an example to consider.
Now, if FSRS truly does give you 90% retention rate for those intervals that it suggests; despite giving shorter intervals, then it could very well be that you do less reviews compared to Anki SM-2, since you’re not forgetting as many cards and hence not having to relearn as many cards.
IMO, it’s really hard to compare the 2 algorithms just by looking at the intervals that it gives. It’s really important to consider a bunch of things, such as the retention rate.
Of course, if you assume that a user that has 90% retention rate using Anki SM-2, then that logic above won’t apply, and they probably won’t have a reason to switch over.
However, I wouldn’t overlook FSRS just yet. For some analysis, I’ve got my friend who’s learning Japanese with about ~11k cards in his deck who has 88.7% young monthly retention rate, 87.8% mature monthly retention rate, and 88.4% young+mature monthly retention rate:
Here are the trained parameters and results from FSRS Optimizer v3.2.0
var w = [0.2566, 0.9675, 4.9943, -0.9537, -0.6965, 0.0093, 1.4051, -0.0352, 0.7127, 1.6794, -0.5165, 0.7874, 0.124];
1:again, 2:hard, 3:good, 4:easy
first rating: 1
rating history: 1,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
interval history: 0,1,1,3,6,13,28,60,126,261,536
difficulty history: 0,6.9,6.9,6.9,6.8,6.8,6.8,6.8,6.8,6.8,6.7
first rating: 2
rating history: 2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
interval history: 0,1,3,7,17,41,96,222,504,1128,2488
difficulty history: 0,5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9,5.9
first rating: 3
rating history: 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
interval history: 0,2,6,16,42,109,276,685,1669,3993,9384
difficulty history: 0,5.0,5.0,5.0,5.0,5.0,5.0,5.0,5.0,5.0,5.0
first rating: 4
rating history: 4,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
interval history: 0,3,9,27,77,215,585,1557,4053,10328,25782
difficulty history: 0,4.0,4.0,4.1,4.1,4.1,4.1,4.1,4.1,4.1,4.1
You’ll notice that if you just press Good only, the change in intervals suggested by FSRS is
0 -> 2 = N/A
2 -> 6 = 6/2 = 300%
6 -> 16 = 16/6 = 266.67%
16 -> 42 = 42/16 = 262.5%
42 -> 109 = 109/42 = 259.5%
109 -> 276 = 276/109 = 253.21%
276 -> 685 = 685/276 = 248.19%
685 -> 1669 = 1669/685 = 243.65%
It actually gives larger intervals compared to Anki SM-2 where it is just a change in interval of 250%
So he has 88.4% young+mature monthly retention rate using Anki SM-2, but FSRS suggests giving him larger intervals at the beginning to target 90% retention rate, before it starts to drop below a change in interval of 250%. Which is interesting, because you’d expect him to be given more reviews to increase it from 88.4% to 90%. Perhaps this suggests that we shouldn’t just look at pressing Good only when doing the comparison between the 2 schedulers. There’s more factors involved to consider.
Now, for another comparison, here’s my own personal results, on about ~19k Japanese cards as well.
My monthly young retention rate using Anki SM-2 is 88.2%, monthly mature retention rate is 81.8%, and young+mature monthly retention rate is 86.2%.
Here’s my results after training using FSRS optimizer v3.2.0
var w = [1.2879, 0.5135, 5.1439, -1.4261, -1.0481, 0.0074, 1.337, -0.029, 0.7063, 1.8312, -0.405, 0.7284, 0.5238];
1:again, 2:hard, 3:good, 4:easy
first rating: 1
rating history: 1,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
interval history: 0,1,2,4,7,13,23,42,75,133,236
difficulty history: 0,8.0,8.0,8.0,7.9,7.9,7.9,7.9,7.9,7.8,7.8
first rating: 2
rating history: 2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
interval history: 0,2,4,9,19,41,87,183,380,783,1596
difficulty history: 0,6.6,6.6,6.5,6.5,6.5,6.5,6.5,6.5,6.5,6.5
first rating: 3
rating history: 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
interval history: 0,2,6,15,37,92,224,536,1265,2943,6754
difficulty history: 0,5.1,5.1,5.1,5.1,5.1,5.1,5.1,5.1,5.1,5.1
first rating: 4
rating history: 4,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
interval history: 0,3,9,26,74,205,559,1496,3927,10126,25655
difficulty history: 0,3.7,3.7,3.7,3.7,3.8,3.8,3.8,3.8,3.8,3.8
You can see that the change in interval when pressing Good only is
0 -> 2 = N/A
2 -> 6 = 300%
6 -> 15 = 250%
15 -> 37 = 246.67%
37 -> 92 = 248.65%
92 -> 224 = 243.48%
224 -> 536 = 239.29%
536 -> 1265 = 236%
These intervals suggest that I need to review the cards “more often” to increase my retention rate from 86% monthly young+mature retention rate to 90% (or maybe I should look at the 81% monthly mature retention rate?). But again, is it really more reviews if it means that I pass more cards despite having shorter intervals? That is, instead of 86% monthly young+mature retention rate using Anki SM-2 (or is it 81% monthly retention rate)?, I have 90% retention rate using FSRS. I’m not sure. But I don’t think it’s as simple as just looking at the intervals generated by Anki SM-2 and FSRS.
And of course, this is assuming that we truly do get 90% retention rate using FSRS. It could very well be that it doesn’t give us 90% retention rate.
Also, a few weeks ago, I’ve did some comparisons using Anki Simulator vs FSRS Simulator v1.5.1 (unfortunately the simulator is not updated for the new updates just yet), but I made a simulation where I learn 50 new cards per day for a deck of 20k cards and compared the 2. Anki Simulator predicts that I will have about ~1200 cards to review at the 400th day (the peak), whereas FSRS Simulator predicts that I will have 1000 cards only to review at the 400th day (the peak). This means I actually do 1200/1000 = 1.2 = 20% less cards than Anki SM-2 using FSRS. Now, I’m not sure how accurate these simulators are, but it does seem to suggest that there’s more to it than just looking at the intervals.
Also, FSRS recently added a new feature where it retains your interval when you relapse, compared to Anki SM-2 where it just resets your card to 1 day. The post-lapse stability formula is a bit quite complex and I don’t fully understand it, but this could also potentially save you some reviews. And it’s probably way better than setting your New interval
setting in Anki to some constant percentage like 20% or 50%, since it’s more adaptive based on this formula.
I’m honestly not too sure how I feel about the Post-Lapse stability formula since according to Supermemo, they mention that
It has been shown long ago that the length of the first post-lapse optimum [[interval] is best correlated with the number of memory lapses recorded for the item. Even then, post-lapse interval usually oscillates in the range of 1-4 days for the default forgetting index of 10%. The correlation between lapses and the PLS is not very useful in adding to the efficiency of learning. Some competitive spaced repetition software, as well as SuperMemo in its first years, experimented with re-learning hypotheses based on ancient wisdoms of psychology, e.g. by halving intervals after a memory lapse. Current data shows clearly that this approach is harmful, as it slows down the identification of leeches. Such an approach to handling forgotten items is a form of irrational procrastination.
Retaining 50% of your interval is harmful according to their data, as it slows down the identification of leeches, and their optimal post lapse interval usually oscillates in the range of 1-4 days for the default forgetting index of 10%. But perhaps with FSRS post lapse stability formula, it could be beneficial. I’m not sure
Another cool feature that he recently added is dealing with the “ease” hell problem known in anki. This makes FSRS quite appealing, since the solution is baked into his algorithm, compared to Anki, where you have to install Auto Ease Factor or Straight Rewards addon to solve Anki SM-2’s shortcomings. If you suffer from ease hell in Anki, then you actually do more reviews than you should (a bunch of cards stuck at 130% ease, meaning your cards grow really slowly). Hence, we really shouldn’t just be looking at the intervals given by Anki SM-2 and FSRS when pressing only pressing Good. It’s a lot more complicated than that.
Overall, it’ll be nice if we can get more accurate comparisons and analysis between Anki SM-2 and FSRS to convince users why FSRS could be better than SM-2, but I don’t think we have the data yet since it’s in its early stages and needs more users to test. I wonder if it’s possible to create some simulation comparisons between FSRS and Anki SM-2 like in his paper.