Media Exporter Add-on

This add-on allows you to export media files from a chosen deck or editor note to some folder.

AnkiWeb: Media Exporter - AnkiWeb
GitHub: GitHub - abdnh/anki-media-exporter: Anki add-on that allows you to export media files from a chosen deck or note to a folder.


Hello, thank you so much for this add-on.

I have a deck with lots of subdecks and was hoping to export all of the media, with the media for each subdeck automatically organized into its own folders.
Would you be willing to consider adding this type of feature?

Thank you!

Sounds useful. Will add that to the todo list.

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It is no longer available. Needs to be updated. Thank you very much.

The add-on is working for me. Please explain your issue more clearly.

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I’m sorry, it was my own mistake. Thanks for the reply.

abdo via Anki Forums <> 于2024年2月23日周五 11:27写道:

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