Is there a way to search for notes that share a sort field?

I have a normal note type and a cloze note type.
They both have the same sort field information in their sort fields.
Is there a way to search for notes that share the same sort field with another note?
For example

Sort Text
vestragon {{Cloze}} {{information}} {{in}} {{here}}
Sort Partic. Type Example sentence
vestragon vestreta C-fin (some example sentance)

Then the search would display these two notes because their sort fields match

I know that I can search for the word specifically but I want to get all notes that match in this way

Try Sort:*

finds notes that have a Front field, empty or not.
Searching - Anki Manual

Check the manual entry above if it doesn’t work

Doesn’t seem to be be working.

I don’t want to search for notes that have a field called “sort”
I want all notes who’s sort fields’ values matches some other note’s value

As in Note1.sortField == someOtherNote2.sortField
As long as it matches at least 1 other note it appears in the search

Still unsure on what you mean, what sort field suppose to mean, its mostly a placeholder option to display sorting options

Here are some add-ons that adds more sorting options or improve browse in some way

In any case, the section about searching might have what you are looking for

If you mean more of a broad checking-for-duplicates – you can’t do it based on which field you have designated as the sort field, but you can do it based on any named-field that the notes have in common. Browsing - Anki Manual

A few things to note –

  • Who controls the names of the fields? You do! If those 2 note types don’t use the same name for that field, just change one of them to match the other. That can be a temporary change that you change back later, or a permanent change, if the name makes sense.
  • When you change the name of a field for a note type, all of its card templates automatically update to use that new field name. [Without a doubt, this is my very favorite sensible, and yet hidden, feature in Anki!]

I thought to change my fields so that their sort field names match but I not sure how to search for all duplicates with a given field name

Basically like the automatic duplicate check but across note types instead of with-in the same note type

Did you read the link?

I’m very sorry. I thought it was a link to something else I already saw. tyvm

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