I want to use <td> as a replacement for cloze and set it to display one by one.
Is there anyone who can create a JavaScript with this functionality?
Thank you for the replying.
Sorry, I made a mistake in the sentence.
correct: I want to use <td> as a replacement for cloze and set it to display one by one.
Do you mean that all your notes will have two sets of fields with questions and answers, or should the total number be different for each note? Can you show the full set of your fields, that includes T2 and 2答え?
and I made mistakes.
not ↓↓
card1: {{T 1}} → {{1答え}}
card2: {{T 2}} → {{2答え}}
Both {{T 1}} and {{1答え}} are on both front and back.
card1: {{T 1}}{{1答え}} → {{T 1}}{{1答え}}{{Extra}}
card2: {{T 2}}{{2答え}} → {{T 2}}{{2答え}}{{Extra}}
(「T 1」use as “Question”,「答え」means “Answer”)
{{1答え}} includes <td>.
I want to use <td>~</td> as cloze.
so, my idea is transparent<td> on front, and not to transparent on back.
and, on front, show cloze one by one, then appear the last cloze, automatically flip to back.
Is there a particular reason why you want them to belong to the same note? The respective pieces of information do not seem to be relevant to each other, why not simply make two separate notes with one T and one 答え fields?
Also, why do you want this to be a cloze-type note? The common type notes seem to better suit this functionality.
I’m not sure I understand this completely, so to verify:
the front of the card should display only “en | hello” at first
when the “Next>>” button is pressed, the “en | hello” should be hidden and “jp | konnichiwa” should take its place
when the “Next>>” button is clicked again, the card should flip to the backside, which displays the full table with both rows
Does this describe what you are trying to achieve correctly?
you’re opinion is true. I also use a cloze-type note as main, but similar or opposite answer is not go with me.
for example, this question’s answer is “yes”. then, next similar question’s answer is “no”.
Like this, I didn’t memorize. I just guess.
So, I use multiple cards in 1 note.
Thank you for explaining that so clearly!!!
your explanation is close.
the front of the card should display only
|en | |
|jp | |
at first.
when the “Next>>” button is pressed,
|en | hello |
|jp | |
when the “Next>>” button is clicked again (last cloze), the card should flip to the backside, which displays the full table with both rows
so, the backside is ↓
|en | hello |
|jp | konnnichiwa |
If, en, jp, and add korean
the front of the card should display only
|en | |
|jp | |
|korean | |
at first.
when the “Next>>” button is pressed,
|en | hello |
|jp | |
|korean | |
when the “Next>>” button is pressed,
|en | hello |
|jp | konnichiwa |
|korean | |
when the “Next>>” button is clicked again (last cloze), the card should flip to the backside, which displays the full table with both rows
so, the backside is ↓
|en | hello |
|jp | konnichiwa |
|korean | annyeong |
I don’t think I understand what you are saying. Could you please describe it in more detail?
In the end, is using the cloze-type cards specifically critical for you, or are you open to making this work with regular cards instead? That should make maintaining your collection much easier
I think I understand the intended behavior now, but I still have to ask: is putting a table inside each note’s 答え fields is really how you want to organize your collection, or is this just an implementation you tried because you are unaware of the better ways to achieve what you want?
It would seem much more natural to me to put the table on the card template itself and split a single answer field from your setup into several separate ones (for en, jp, and korean respectively) with each containing only the needed word in plain text. The table on the cards then can be set up to display only the languages, for which the fields are not empty. Does such an option sound good for you?
With multiple-choice questions, once you know one answer, you naturally know the other. For example, yes or no questions. I don’t like this. (I’m sorry my English and explanation are not good.)
I can’t think of any better method, but for now, I want to try the approach I’m considering.
I’m not sure if I fully understand what you mean, but is it something like this?
I am still unclear about what parts are intended to be used as cloze for cloze-deletion notes, so this one is based on a basic note type. But we can always adjust it further to suit your needs.
Thank you so much!
I made a few adjustments, but it still worked perfectly! This is exactly what I was looking for!
I truly appreciate your time and effort in creating the deck.
It’s amazing. I really appreciate your help.