I created Cards for my Kids. They work in two ways for english and french (einfach: beide Richtungen auf deutsch).
Now my kids wanted to study, and I get the following message and the cards can not be used:
Die Vorlage für die Vorderseite hat ein Problem:
‘}}’ fehlt in ‘{{Vorhdzjdhjwguwgwigzwtzwzuwgwzgwzwzzwuzgwderseite}jfihfjzdiegzet5dcdgidiidjjhi8}vszjdjdhfh7qvwf5dcdrzdvduhdgudjwtidz8djvdgzdhet5ehegzejzwueg4wheghechehidhofjkdgtdjdgtwlwfzrkdhueheziehggghhgggfhgeiwhpwzirfwzwvzdjsbsgtdjdcuwiwbdosbgekvezwjwhowgtezetdjvdzslwgtfjezufhdhzdisgtdldkkehuejehhrvtekezhsjdgusjwgtrvriejszudhggueifguejezuejgetslgwzjezuejagjfjekdvufhhjdovsjdjidjszkaaaaaaahahaaaaaajfzwijqhduaajsziajavajdgzensgalvsjdhjdjtqjgszejcdisodhidjkdjiskkdgtsjgd7idzidjdz6ahsgzdcsrsjvdtsodjoshtsjfzujsgdfajcsuwfudgtdvdgzdgggofgtwjxggggggggggzat6kqh6wjezuwie geht rs der ich musste mich kurz zurückziehenweißt du Master luke a’
I don’t know what to do.
I have the problem only with cards that work in two ways (einfach: beide Richtungen).
Please help, I created cards for them for two years, there seem to be nearly 1000 cards broken.
The error says that you’re missing a closing brace }} in a Field replacement. Can you post the text of the actual front template (in a code/preformatted block, please)?
Hi, i copied the message from the front template. It looks like this:
{{Vorhdzjdhjwguwgwigzwtzwzuwgwzgwzwzzwuzgwderseite}jfihfjzdiegzet5dcdgidiidjjhi8}vszjdjdhfh7qvwf5dcdrzdvduhdgudjwtidz8djvdgzdhet5ehegzejzwueg4wheghechehidhofjkdgtdjdgtwlwfzrkdhueheziehggghhgggfhgeiwhpwzirfwzwvzdjsbsgtdjdcuwiwbdosbgekvezwjwhowgtezetdjvdzslwgtfjezufhdhzdisgtdldkkehuejehhrvtekezhsjdgusjwgtrvriejszudhggueifguejezuejgetslgwzjezuejagjfjekdvufhhjdovsjdjidjszkaaaaaaahahaaaaaajfzwijqhduaajsziajavajdgzensgalvsjdhjdjtqjgszejcdisodhidjkdjiskkdgtsjgd7idzidjdz6ahsgzdcsrsjvdtsodjoshtsjfzujsgdfajcsuwfudgtdvdgzdgggofgtwjxggggggggggzat6kqh6wjezuwie geht rs der ich musste mich kurz zurückziehenweißt du Master luke
You can modify card templates by clicking the “Cards…” button inside the editing screen.
Card templates have the blueprint to generate a card using the information you put into a note. For example, if you want to see information from the “German” field in the question side of cards, you put {{German}} in the “Front template”.
Look into if you have a } missing from your template. Or post the template here and someone will help you.
Assuming what you posted earlier is correct, you do have one curly bracket } missing. See the end of line:
If I add a curly bracket, the message in the preview changes:
Die Vorlage für die Vorderseite hat ein Problem:
‘{{Vorhdzjdhjwguwgwigzwtzwzuwgwzgwzwzzwuzgwderseite}jfihfjzdiegzet5dcdgidiidjjhi8}}’ gefunden, aber es gibt kein Feld mit dem Namen ‘Vorhdzjdhjwguwgwigzwtzwzuwgwzgwzwzzwuzgwderseite}jfihfjzdiegzet5dcdgidiidjjhi8’
It’s saying you don’t have a field with that name. Anki uses the information you put in fields to construct the card. Which field do you want to see in front?
(Also, I gave you link to how code block is done. It’s just three ``` put before and after in newlines)
I want to see “21st” or “Anything else” at thr front card. And the german translation on the back card. And the card goes both ways so I can use it for english to german and the other was arounf.
This works like algebra. You have a field called Front, in the card template you’ll put {{Front}} for that field content to appear. The error message is due to the fact that the fields you have and the fields you are asking Anki to display aren’t matching.
I don’t know what fields you have or your templates. If you can post them, I can see.
You want {{Front}} to appear here, so you should type that in after deleting the rest. But I assume the field name is different in German? Put that in.