Forum Editor | Formatting Reference [Guide]

I created the this guide hoping it will lead to less clutter in various support threads.
This is a wiki-post, so you can click “Edit” to see how I created this post with Markdown and HTML.
Also, feel free to submit changes if you have further pointers you deem important.

Formatting Guide | Forum Editor

This forum uses Discourse - a very popular forum service. Its editor provides a special flavor of Markdown. For more details on Markdown, visit the official syntax guide by John Gruber. For specific information about Discourse, it’s best to check the GitHub repository.

Table of contents

  1. Basic formatting
    1.1. Headings
    1.2. Horizontal rule
    1.3. Font styles
    1.4. Lists
    1.5. Tables
  2. Code formatting
    2.1. Inline code
    2.2. Single line of code
    2.3. Code block with syntax highlighting
  3. Images
    3.1. Resizing images
  4. Social features
    4.2. Mentions
    4.3. Hyperlinks
  5. Advanced features
    5.1. Hide details
    5.2. Polls
  6. Miscellaneous
    6.1. Fancy keyboard shortcuts
    6.2. Embed third party sites

1. Basic formatting

1.1. Headings

Proper use of headings can improve the readability of your posts. To create a heading, prepend a line with a specific number of #.

Available headings:

  • # h1

  • ## h2

  • ### h3

  • #### h4

  • ##### h5
  • ###### h6

1.2. Horizontal rule

Horizontal rules are another good way to segment your content.

Syntax: --- (three hyphens)

The hyphens translate into an <hr>. If there is no extra line between the content above and the hyphens, an underlined heading will be created.

1.3. Font styles

Bold text image

Shortcut Markdown Output
Ctrl+B **bold** bold

Italic text image

Shortcut Markdown Output
Ctrl+I *italic* italic

Strikethrough text

Shortcut Markdown Output
~~strike~~ strike

1.4. Lists

Unordered list

Indent list items with 2 spaces to nest them:

Editor input Alternative Output
- Item 1
  - Item 2
    - Item 3
* Item 1
  * Item 2
    * Item 3
  • Item 1
    • Item 2
      • Item 3

Ordered list

Markdown automatically indents sub-items of an ordered list:

Editor input Output
1. Item
1.1. Item
2. Item
1. Item
    1.1. Item
2. Item

1.5. Tables

To create a table with Markdown, use the following syntax:

| Markdown       | HTML        | Image           |
| justified left | centered    | justified right |
| *italic*       | <b>bold</b> | ![image](url)   |

The colons - e.g. |:--| tell Markdown how to align the the cells’ content. You can even use Markdown or HTML within the cells and you can create multiline content with <br> tags.


Markdown HTML Image
justified left centered justified right
italic bold image

2. Code formatting image

Discourse offers syntax highlighting for code snippets (HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc.).

  • Shortcut: Ctrl+E
  • Editor toolbar button: image
    console.log("Hello, world!");

While the shortcut is usually the fastest way, there are three options to do this manually, too:

2.1. Inline code

You can emphasise HTML tags, classes, functions or other technical jargon with inline preformatted text.

Syntax: wrap with single backtick (`)

  • Shortcut: Ctrl+E

| Editor input | | Output |
| This `<hr>` is inline. | | This <hr> is inline. |

2.2. Single line of code

You can quickly create a single code line by indenting it with spaces (no syntax highlighting).

This line is indented with 4 spaces.

2.3. Code block with syntax highlighting

Code blocks are the best way to display template samples or error messages, since the code container offers syntax highlighting and the original format is respected.

Syntax: wrap with three backticks (```)

  • Shortcut: Ctrl+E

Discourse uses highlight.js for syntax highlighting. When using a code block, it will try to automatically apply the correct syntax highlighting for the selected text.

Editor input

⠀⠀console.log(“This snippet has syntax highlighting.”);


    console.log("This snippet has syntax highlighting.");
Set desired language explicitly

You can also set the desired syntax explicitly.

This code block is explicitly set to JavaScript syntax highlighting:

``` javascript
function foo(bar) {
⠀⠀return bar + 1;


function foo(bar) {
    return bar + 1;

The following code block will be interpreted as plain text:

``` text
function foo(bar) {
⠀⠀return bar + 1;


function foo(bar) {
     return bar + 1;

3. Images image

You don’t need to upload your images to an external image hosting site!

You can easily add images to your posts per drag and drop or Ctrl+V from your clipboard. You can also use the image button. Discourse will automatically apply the correct Markdown syntax.

3.1. Resizing images

You can resize uploaded images by adding special parameters:

Original upload Percentage Pixels
![image|200x200](url) ![image|200x200, 50%](url) ![image|32x32](url)

The editor also suggests the following sizes on hover: image

4. Social features


When highlighting content from another post, the following tooltip appears: image
On click, Discourse will automatically create a quote in your editor at the current caret position.
The user you quoted will be notified when you publish the post, as it is handled like an answer.

4.2. Mentions

The correct way to adress someone directly in the forum is @username. This way that user will be notified and is therefore more likely to read your post.

4.3. Hyperlinks image

Hyperlinks serve a variety of functions. Proper linking helps make the forum a better knowledge base.

Shortcut: Ctrl+K

Syntax: [text](url)

Instead of quoting a post’s content, you can use it’s unique url to embed it into your post:


Websites that provide an oEmbed format (e.g. GitHub, YouTube, CodePen) can also be embedded this way (see 6.2.).

5. Advanced features image

5.1. Hide details image

If a section of your post is very specific (e.g. note template code) and won’t be of interest to a broader audience, you can use details to collapse that part:




Very specific code that takes up a lot of space:

console.log("Hello, world!");

This is a very useful to keep your posts concise and tidy. It reduces visual clutter and makes scrolling through the thread easier.

5.2. Polls image

To prevent redundant posts like “+1” or “I agree” when asking for community feedback, you can create a poll.


Sample poll

Did you learn anything new through this guide?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

6. Miscellaneous

6.1. Fancy keyboard shortcuts

You can wrap keyboard shortcuts with the <kbd> HTML tag to display them more professionally:

Editor input Output
<kbd>Ctrl<\kbd>+<kbd>A</kbd> Ctrl+A

6.2. Embed third party sites

To embed YouTube videos, GitHub PRs or CodePens, simply paste the link into a new line in the editor. The embedded may be displayed as a gray box until the post is published.


GitHub PR



Thanks, great guide.

1 Like