I keep on getting this error whenever I intend to export my Anki Deck.
An error occurred. Please use Tools > Check Database to see if that fixes the problem.
If problems persist, please report the problem on our support site. Please copy and paste the information below into your report.
Anki 2.1.48 (fb07bad3) Python 3.8.6 Qt 5.14.2 PyQt 5.14.2
Platform: Windows 10
Flags: frz=True ao=False sv=2
Add-ons, last update check: 2021-10-22 13:55:54
Caught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “aqt\taskman.py”, line 101, in _on_closures_pending
File “aqt\taskman.py”, line 71, in
File “aqt\exporting.py”, line 173, in on_done
File “concurrent\futures_base.py”, line 432, in result
File “concurrent\futures_base.py”, line 388, in _get_result
File “concurrent\futures\thread.py”, line 57, in run
File “aqt\exporting.py”, line 167, in do_export
File “anki\exporting.py”, line 342, in exportInto
File “anki\exporting.py”, line 350, in doExport
File “anki\exporting.py”, line 253, in exportInto
File “anki\models.py”, line 539, in update
File “anki_backend\generated.py”, line 450, in add_or_update_notetype
File "anki_backend_init.py", line 131, in _run_command
anki.errors.TemplateError: Card template 3 in notetype ‘Basic (optional reversed card)’ has a problem.
The front side is identical to card template 2.