Error when pasting text in some field

Anki shows me this error when trying to paste text into some field with the “Context Helper” plugin enabled.

Anki 2.1.44 (b2b3275f) Python 3.8.6 Qt 5.14.2 PyQt 5.14.2
Platform: Windows 10
Flags: frz=True ao=True sv=2
Add-ons, last update check: 2021-10-07 08:53:49

Caught exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “aqt\”, line 36, in cmd
File “aqt\”, line 135, in _onCmd
File “aqt\”, line 580, in _onBridgeCmd
File “”, line 2, in onBridgeCmd
File “anki\”, line 89, in decorator_wrapper
File “anki\”, line 86, in repl
File “C:\Users\AdonyS\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\1463041493\”, line 341, in onBridgeCmd
return _old(ed, cmd)
File “aqt\”, line 466, in onBridgeCmd
File “aqt\”, line 984, in onPaste
File “aqt\”, line 1102, in onPaste
File “aqt\”, line 1096, in _onPaste
File “”, line 2, in _processMime
File “anki\”, line 89, in decorator_wrapper
File “anki\”, line 86, in repl
TypeError: _processMime_around() got multiple values for argument ‘_old’

the error message seems to come from the syntax highlighting code, Syntax Highlighting for Code - AnkiWeb,

If you have multiple add-ons disable all other add-ons and see if you get this error message with just one add-on like “Context Helper” or with a minimal combination (usually it’s a conflict of two add-ons). This requires some testing with a few restarts and combinations.

Once you have the add-ons that cause the conflict check their ankiweb listings on how to contact their creators and then make a bug report at the place the add-on creator points you to which is usually a certain thread in this forum or github.

I’ve published some add-ons myself. Usually I can quickly handle reports that exactly describe under which conditions an error occurs. On the other hand if I just get an error message or an error message with a list of 100 add-ons installed I tend to postpone working on those indefinitely because working with such little info is often too much work.

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