I am using the built-in MathJax to render math and I was trying to add the physics package to it.
In particular I am using the Anki for Linux application version 2.1.44.
I tried to add some scripts at the beginning of the front and back template of the cards, I checked both the MathJax wiki and this forum for something similar and to adapt it especially from.:
Saw here how to add adding macros and the need of MathJax.startup.getComponents() in the script:
I saw the commands for adding the package here:
I tried a lot of possible combination with the commands from those sources ( they are suggested from the Anki wiki) but nothing so far did it, this is the code I am stuck now with:
<script> MathJax.config.tex.packages = {'[+]': ['physics'] }; MathJax.loader.load = ['[tex]/physics'] ; MathJax.startup.getComponents(); </script>
which doesn’t render the commands in the physics package correctly.
eg. for the curl command :
Undefined control sequence \curl
What could be the problem?