Could someone help me with a JavaScript code to find all words written with capitalized letters and color them red, blue, or green alternatingly? I have asked this before and I couldn’t find a working solution
I am trying to reword this now: Is there a way to colorize all capital letters inside the text with red?
ChatGPT gave this but to no avail…
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
// Select the main content area where your card text is located.
const contentDiv = document.querySelector("#qa"); // Adjust the selector if needed
if (contentDiv) {
// Regular expression to match individual uppercase letters
const regex = /[A-Z]/g;
// Replace matches with span styled red
const highlightedText = contentDiv.innerHTML.replace(regex, function(match) {
return `<span style="color: red;">${match}</span>`;
// Set the modified content back to the div
contentDiv.innerHTML = highlightedText;
I noticed that you’ve brought up this topic a few times. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t miss my previous suggestion in Coloring ALL CAPS words - #15 by hkr. It worked on my end, so I thought it might help with your case as well. Or was it perhaps not working as you expected?
I did indeed try it. What it did is that it has indeed coloured allcaps words, but ones that are not a part of the card in itself, but rather it has coloured those words that are a part of the card template itself, which end up showing in the reviewer itself.
Here look at it:
This makes me now think, is this because I have a radically different card template which conflicts with yours. I see that your card template is very simple.
I have found this code from Gemini, it works…but to some extent. It is coloring the words in the same way that I want, only that it causes Anki to reveal the answer and the […] box on the front side of the card simultaneously, so it messes up the revealing of the answer. The backside remains normal.
function colorAllCapsWords(text) {
// Regulärer Ausdruck, um Wörter in Großbuchstaben zu finden (mindestens 2 Buchstaben)
const regex = /\b[A-Z]{2,}\b/g;
// Text mit rot gefärbten Wörtern ersetzen
const result = text.replace(regex, '<span style="color: red;">$&</span>');
return result;
function applyFormatting() {
// Den Textinhalt des aktuellen Feldes abrufen
const contentDiv = document.getElementById("content");
let text = contentDiv.innerHTML;
// Die Funktion aufrufen, um Wörter in Großbuchstaben einzufärben
text = colorAllCapsWords(text);
// Den geänderten Textinhalt wieder in das Feld einfügen
contentDiv.innerHTML = text;
// Den Code zum Einfärben nach dem CLOZE MARKER Block ausführen
setTimeout(applyFormatting, 10);
Update: now here is a working code I found
(function() {
function colorCapsText() {
const cardContent = document.getElementById("content");
if (!cardContent) return;
const regex = /\b[A-ZÄÖÜß]+\b/g;
// Helper function to process text nodes, while avoiding any interference with cloze deletions
function processTextNodes(element) {
const walker = document.createTreeWalker(element, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);
let node;
while ((node = walker.nextNode())) {
// Check if the text node is inside a cloze deletion and skip it
if (node.parentNode.closest('.cloze')) {
continue; // This avoids modifying cloze deletions
const text = node.textContent;
if (regex.test(text)) {
// We will not directly replace the node, to avoid breaking cloze
const newText = text.replace(regex, '<span class="all-caps">$&</span>');
// Create a temporary wrapper to insert the modified content
const spanWrapper = document.createElement('span');
spanWrapper.innerHTML = newText;
// Insert each new node from the wrapper in place of the original text node
while (spanWrapper.firstChild) {
node.parentNode.insertBefore(spanWrapper.firstChild, node);
// Remove the original text node after its content has been replaced
// Safely process text nodes after the DOM has rendered
requestAnimationFrame(() => processTextNodes(cardContent));
// Run the function after the page loads
The only problem with this is that it has a long loading time. I wonder if someone could help optimize it.
Maybe instead of changing the templates you can ask chatGPT to simply wrap all cap words with <span>
tags by sending it a text file? ChatGPT is bad with these kind of meta-language things though, but I hear o1 is pretty good with them (it can tell you number of a letter a word has which LLMs normally find hard to do).
Or maybe write you a script running which updates your actual notes with the tags. I think it’s doable with some regex. (maybe like //s[A-Z]+/s/
space+any number of capital letters+another space which is what you’re trying to find)
edit: Oh, wait… can you not do it with actual Anki feature “Find and replace”? I’m not sure what will you place in replace though. (I learned regex only yesterday)
I am revisiting this: This code is now not even working anymore, let alone work slowly
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