you need to do this in JS. also in CSS, you must set a default background color otherwise the previous card’s style is erroneously unchanged for the next card.
var tags = "{{Tags}}".split(' ');
var mapping = {};
var elm_card;
mapping['mytag'] = function() { = '#b5ead7';
async function delay(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function run() {
if (document.readyState == 'complete') {
elm_card = document.querySelector('.card');
for (tag of tags) mapping[tag]?.();
// not fully loaded, try again in 0.1ms
await delay(100);
ah, i got the bug wrong. you need to reset the in JS instead of CSS, as setting it from JS also sets the inline style attribute.
another approach could be to create a <style> element with the style you want. that’d allow for Anki to clear out the contents automatically instead of manually resetting the style.