Audio Files addon support

Thanks for your answer. I have looked at both the code and at the links for the sound files and the former don’t seem to be easy to guess. Will try to do something but not really confident that I’ll be able to produce anything.

I have added a print statement in ParsedSource

def lookup(self, word):
        print("lookup", word);
        url = self.get_initial_url(urllib.parse.quote(word)

but I have no message on the console. Could it be possible that this plugin is not compatible with Anki V ⁨2.1.54 ?

I’ve checked getting перевернуться from Wiktionary, and see no issue with that, so I’m not sure what the issue that you are seeing is caused by.

To see console output you need to start Anki using anki-console Console Output - Writing Anki Add-ons (

I have found that the Forvo parser needed to be updated to reflect a change that has been made to the Forvo website, and I’ve just released an update with that minor change.

Thanks for your answer. I am on Linux and did start Anki from the console. I have updated the plugin and though before updating I could not get the sound file on any page whatsoever it works again. I guess there was a problem between the plugin and the version of Anki.

Anyway, everything is ok now, thanks for updating the addon though you are in busy time!
Best regards

Hello !
I was wondering if the add-on could work on Anki mobile as I usually do my card on my phone rather than the computer.
I really suck with Anki and it s my first add-on.
Thanks you

Unfortunately not as Anki mobile doesn’t support any python addons.