Any code to bold text outside parenthesis on Ankidroid automatically?

any code to bold text outside parenthesis on Ankidroid automatically?

I used o3 to get this:

(paste this in front/back templates)

// Function to bold text outside of normal parentheses.
function boldOutsideParentheses(text) {
  let output = "";
  let currentIndex = 0;
  while (true) {
    // Find the next opening parenthesis.
    let start = text.indexOf("(", currentIndex);
    if (start === -1) {
      // No more parentheses; bold the remainder and exit.
      output += "<b>" + text.substring(currentIndex) + "</b>";
    // Bold the text before the parenthesis.
    output += "<b>" + text.substring(currentIndex, start) + "</b>";
    // Find the corresponding closing parenthesis.
    let end = text.indexOf(")", start);
    if (end === -1) {
      // If no closing parenthesis is found, bold the rest.
      output += "<b>" + text.substring(start) + "</b>";
    // Append the parenthesized portion as-is.
    output += text.substring(start, end + 1);
    // Update the current index past the closing parenthesis.
    currentIndex = end + 1;
  return output;

// Get the element containing the field text.
var container = document.getElementById("text-container");
// Replace its content with the processed version.
container.innerHTML = boldOutsideParentheses(container.textContent);

Then you put <div id="text-container"> {{Field}} </div> around every field (seperately). It worked for me but maybe someone here will have a better solution.

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