"Anki Quit Unexpectedly" Error when closing Anki

I have the same problem too

Translated Report (Full Report Below)

Process: anki [69442]
Path: /Applications/Anki.app/Contents/MacOS/anki
Identifier: net.ankiweb.dtop
Version: 2.1.57 (???)
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2023-02-17 09:25:11.3579 +0400
OS Version: macOS 13.1 (22C65)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: CC9285CD-1F43-2615-0A9C-CFB4D21EC5FE

Sleep/Wake UUID: 40ADAEF5-34AD-4353-82D6-109348D9581F

Time Awake Since Boot: 260000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 4338 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread: 0 CrBrowserMain Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000f2ca0d5878f8 → 0x000072ca0d5878f8 (possible pointer authentication failure)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000f2ca0d5878f8

Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 11 Segmentation fault: 11
Terminating Process: exc handler [69442]

VM Region Info: 0x72ca0d5878f8 is not in any region. Bytes after previous region: 20657942853881
MALLOC_NANO (reserved) 600038000000-600040000000 [128.0M] rw-/rwx SM=NUL …(unallocated)

Model: MacBookAir10,1, BootROM 8419.60.44, proc 8:4:4 processors, 16 GB, SMC
Graphics: Apple M1, Apple M1, Built-In
Display: Color LCD, 2560 x 1600 Retina, Main, MirrorOff, Online
Memory Module: LPDDR4, Micron
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_wifi (0x14E4, 0x4378), wl0: Sep 3 2022 03:37:22 version 18.20.379. FWID 01-e3c71b50
Bluetooth: Version (null), 0 services, 0 devices, 0 incoming serial ports
Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en0
USB Device: USB31Bus
USB Device: USB31Bus
Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Air, Apple Inc.
Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Air, Apple Inc.

But if I do that, when will the profile synchronize? Would I have to do it manually?

Yes, I think that’s what they are suggesting. Alternatively you can just ignore the error, since it happens during shutdown and should not affect your collection.

Hmmm… Another work-around then is to reinstall ANKI, it still works without the error for some time (and then you can reinstall again :slight_smile: ) At least no problem forgetting to sync (I use Desktop and Mobile interchangeably, so forgetting to sync would cause lots of problems, hehe) :smiley:

Yes, you would have to manually sync (with y on computer, or Sync button on mobile).

I made it a habit to manually sync before closing Anki, because I like seeing the colors change, haha.

Any incentive can motivate, haha! Good on you!

I’ve had the same issue for the past 3-5 builds

Anyone find a fix?

Same here.
For me it happens when closing app and when change the structure of the tree of decks on Deck window.

How does the latest beta fare? https://betas.ankiweb.net/

Still have these issues with 2.1.63. Sometimes loading in Safe Mode helps, sometimes it doesn’t.

If you start Anki, go into the preferences screen, and reset window positions, does that help?

I have the same issue. Using a MacBook Pro M1 MacOS 13.3.1(a). Has been happening since I upgraded to the M1 MacBook Pro a few months ago. Almost every time I close Anki I get the error message “Anki Quit Unexpectedly.” I tried to reset window size and that didn’t fix it. I’m running the latest Anki 2.1.63 but this has been happening for several previous releases as well.

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A crash when closing Anki is a known issue. It’s not easy to fix I’m afraid, but should not cause a loss of data.

Me too

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