Anki 24.10/11 Release candidate

Well, an AnkiDroid alpha is already available and it includes changes upto Anki 24.10 rc2.


24.11rc1 (=24.10rc3) is now available. If no major issues are not found, it’s likely to become the stable release within a week, and minor issues can be addressed in a follow-up.

I’ll circle back to the recent comments when I have chance.


@dae I’ll be opening a dedicated forum for my last post. I believe it won’t make it into this 24.11 release. Can you confirm?

I’m guessing this won’t make it into the final release?

I’ve made a PR in the manual repo, btw

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I’m having trouble translating these terms into my language:

Ascending retrievability
Descending retrievability

What does each one prioritize?

Ascending Retreivability: Prioritises those that have the least R value. Well, I think it calculates the difference in Desired Retention and Retreivability and selects the one with the most difference. The other one is the opposite of course.

What are you having trouble with? Retreivability itself is called something like “Facilidade em Relembrar” or “Recuperabilidade” in your langauge.

So, in this case, will the ascending start with those I will have an easier or harder time recalling? And the last ones? In Portuguese, the literal term seems to be reversed, so I need to make sure of what it prioritizes in ascending order in order to translate it correctly

It seems that the correct term would be:

Fácil de Relembrar ASC
Fácil de Relembrar DESC


Dificil de Relembrar ASC
Dificil de Relembrar DESC

Just waiting for your response to confirm which usage.

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In ascending retrievability you’ll first learn those cards that are the most overdue, i.e. you’ll have a harder time recalling them.

In descending retrievability you’ll first learn those cards that are the least overdue, i.e. initial reviews are going to be easier.

Yes, this.

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Not sure if this is noteworthy, but on a lark I tried to log in via the ‘Third-Party Services’ in the preferences pane for 24.11rc1:

Even with the correct login credentials I got the following error message:

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Probably because the displayed value is rounded.

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This is due to a recent AnkiHub update.

@andrewsanchez I think we have to think about how to handle API version updates with the native integration.


ayo dear ANKI WIZARDS, how do you apply easy days in new build?
In add-on you could choose days and then click magic button, and easy days would apply

now I am choosing easy days in deck options, clicking SAVE button, and nothing happens!

here is the screenshot with me choosing minimum on Monday and Thursday, VS before I made that choice

And the catch is, there is no difference at all! please help

You’ll need to wait to see the results. The feature effects the scheduling of cards but it’s not retroactive. The exisiting scheduling will stay the same.

There were plans to make Reschedule cards on change make the feature instantaneous for users but I think it wasn’t dien after all.

Yeah, I imagine there will be a lot of posts/topics about this. I’m willing to bet that most users will assume that the changes are applied immediately.
@dae I told you we need an “Apply changes now” button for Easy Days

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Just add a plain text message saying changes aren’t applies immediately.


Thoughts on changing the name of “true retention”? IIRC, back when it was first conceived the feature was called that because it didn’t include learning cards. I don’t think that’s a good reason to add a conspicous adjective to the name.

I suggest we change it to retention rate.

Also, maybe we should combine this somehow with Answer buttons graph in the future. Worth considering.


This is probably a naive question, and apologies in advance if this has been explained and I missed it:

It’s my understanding that FSRS-5 parameters are, atm, housed in a different location than FSRS-4 parameters, which allows one to review cards on separate devices that may be running older versions.

My curiosity, though, is what happens if one eliminates the static learning steps, in FSRS-5, but then reviews a new card on another device utilizing FSRS-4? For example, if I’m using 24.11rc1 on desktop but 24.08 on AnkiMobile. Does it just immediately jump to the FSRS interday learning intervals?

From there, as a separate question: any idea on a timeline for release of AnkiMobile with FSRS-5 parameters?

In older versions of Anki removing learning steps makes them default to 1m.

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yess! @dae dear main ANKI WIZARD, could you please add a apply easy days instantly button?
As Experium already wrote, it would be just plain easier to understand, and generate less confusion.

But from the other side, I would also like to ask for the “apply easy days today” button. See, sometimes people are tired from life, and Anki especially, as one of the hardest part of it. So, in order to take break, without then suffering from backlog, or doing it today and burning out, they can sneak to that little button, so the cards would be shuffled equally to the future, leaving with minimum today.
Again, it would help and save a couple of thousands more engineers and doctors from burnout, and help to elevate their grades, and their mental health, by giving the viable option to take a rest day whenether they need it.

So please MAIN ANKI WIZARD, for their sanity, consider it please


Set Due Date


Turns cards into review cards if they are new, and makes them due on a certain date. This can be useful for moving cards forward or back a few days when your study schedule is interrupted. Entering a range like 60-90 will make the selected cards due between 60 and 90 days from now. New cards will have their interval set to the same delay, but review cards will be rescheduled without changing their current interval, unless an exclamation mark (! ) is included at the end of the range. Note that the answer time is not recorded when manually scheduling cards, since the action can be performed even outside of review, and Anki isn’t aware of which card may or may not be shown at the time.

This does not save you from the backlog, but only hides it.
It would be wrong to encourage users to use it by making the feature more accessible.

The confusion with the “Easy Days” function may be caused by the fact that it works differently in FSRS helper addons. In this case, users will get used to it.
Someday “Easy Days” will have a hint in the form of a “?” icon.